Female Reproductive Organs

Function of the mesovarium

Attaches the ovaries to the posterior surface of the broad ligament

Function of the suspensory ligaments

Attaches the superior pole of the ovaries to the pelvic wall and carries ovarian vessels and nerves

Function of the ovarian ligaments

Attaches the inferior pole of the ovaries to the uterus

When does a primary oocyte become a secondary oocyte

Meiosis I is completed at ovulation to form the secondary oocyte This will only happen to one dominant follicle (unless its twins)

When does a primary follicle become a secondary follicle

When fluid begins to fill the follicle

When are the number of oocyte at their peak

2-5 months gestation

Phase of meiosis that oocytes are arrested in at birth

Prophase I Once ovulated, they will enter meiosis II and remain in metaphase II until they are fertilized

Products of meiosis in oogonia

1 ovum and 2-3 polar bodies

Histology of primordial follicles

Surrounded by simple squamous cells (flattened looking cells) Contain balbiani body —> all the organelles in the cell are pushed to one sideContain annulate lamellae —> stacking of membranes

Histology of primary follicles

Surrounded by simple cuboidal cells Will start out as unilaminar (single layer of cuboidal cells) and then become multilaminar (more than one layer of cuboidal cells) —> cells are referred to as granulosa cells once they are mulilaminar —> granulosa layer is avascular and separated from surrounding cells by a basal lamina Oocyte begins to develop and contain cortical granules, balbiani body disperses Nucleus is still arrested in meiosis I (condensed chromatin) Zona pellucida is secreted by oocytes and is between the oocyte and the granulosa cells

Function of granulosa cells

Have FSH receptorsConvert androgens (made by thecal cells) to estrogens via aromatase Remain in contact with the oocyte through long processes and provides nutrients, signals for growth and maturation Later in ovulation, granulosa cells of the dominant follicle will eventually become responsive to both LH and FSH

Theca interna

Begin to present around a mulilaminar follicle Highly vascular layer of cuboidal secretory cells that respond to LH to produce androgens Cells begin as squamous cells than then turn into cuboidal cells as they become more active

Theca externa

Outer layer to theca interna A CT layer with smooth muscle and collagen bundles Smooth mm is involved in ovulation —> contraction will help propel the oocyte out of the ovaries

Histology of theca interna cells

Have features typical of steroid secreting cells (sER, mitochondria, lipid droplets)

Histology of secondary (antral) follicles

Appearance of fluid filled cavities (follicular antrum) —> will eventually lead to separation of the granulosa layer Still contains a primary oocyte Call-exner bodies (precipitations of fluid) may be seen in the granulosa layer

Oocyte maturation inhibiting (OMI) factor

Secreted by granulosa cells into antral fluid in the secondary follicle Inhibits further growth of the oocyte

Factors required for secondary follicle growth

FSH, EGF, IGF1 and calcium

Corona radiata

Inner layer of granulosa cells (surrounding the oocyte) after the secondary follicle antrum fills with enough fluid to seperate the granulosa layer

Cumulus oophorus

A mound of granulosa cells that attach the corona radiata to the rest of the granulosa layer

Histology of a graafian (mature) follicle

Follicle greater than 10mmExpanded antrum Thinner appearing granulosa layer More prominent thecal layers

Selection of a dominant follicle

Dominant follicle secretes follicular regulatory protein —> retards the growth of other follicles Sometimes, more than one follicle will reach maturity, resulting in release of more than one ovum Drugs can stimulate follicular growth and result in maturation of more than one follicle

Factors leading to ovulation

About 24h before ovulation, LH/FSH surge prepares the dominant follicle to prepare for ovulation —> causes the primary oocyte to become a secondary oocyte Glycosaminoglycans will begin to be deposited between the oocyte-cumulus cells and the granulosa layer —> leads to fluid accumulation and increase in follicle size —> LH and FSH simulates release of proteolytic enzymes and increasing follicular size leads to proteolysis of the follicular wall (where there is decreased blood flow) —> contraction of smooth mm in the theca extrna will push fluid and the oocyte outside the ovary —> ovulation —> oocyte is now a secondary oocyte

Events in the follicle after ovulation

Granulosa cells form deep folds —> bleeding into the cavity from vessels in the theca interna forms a central clot —> corpus hemorrhagicus —> connective tissue invades the follicular cavity —> theca interna and granulosa cells change morphologically —> the structure becomes the corpus luteum —> main function is to produce progesterone in preparation for potential fertilization

Process of fertilization

1. Final capacitation of sperm occurs prior to binding to receptors in the zona pellucida2. Binding triggers acrosome reaction —> release of acrosomal enzymes 3. Degradation of components of the zona pellucida allows sperm to penetrate 4. Fusion of sperm membrane and entry into ovum —> discharge of cortical granules that were being produced by the oocyte; oocyte cell membrane (oolemma) becomes impermeable to other sperm due to depolarizaiton; perivitelline barrier forms in zona pellucida and sperm binding receptors degrade

Factors that maintain the corpus luteum during pregnancy

Ovarian luteotropins: estrogens, IGF1 and IGF2Endocrine luteotropins: hCG*, prolactin, insulin

Maintenance of the corpus luteum during menstruation

Remains active for 14 days and then degenerates —> corpus albicans

Histology of the corpus luteum

Formerly granulosa cells become granulosa lutein cells —> secretion of progesterone Formerly theca interna cells become theca lutein cells and stain deeply, are small, and located in the periphery —> secretion of estrogen

Histology of corpus albicans

No more nuclei can be seen Sometimes, a thickening of the basement membrane between the granulosa and thecal cell layer will remain —> glassy membrane


Occurs at any stage of follicular maturation; mediated by apoptosis of the granulosa cells Primary follicles: oocyte degenerates —> breakdown of granulosa cells Larger follicles: cessation of follicular cell mitosis —> follicular wall degenerates —> phagocytes digest the oocyte and zona pellucida —> follicle becomes invaded by connective tissue cells

Interstitial glands of the ovary

Luteal cells remaining after atresia that produce steroid hormones Occur in the first year of life and during early puberty —> involute at menarche when there is an increase in follicular atresia

Ovarian hilar cells

Found in the hilum and contain Reinke crystals Analogous to leydig cells Respond to hormonal changes and may secrete androgens

Predominant hormone of the proliferative phase of menstruation


Predominant hormone of the secretory phase of menstruation


Regulators of the ovarian cycle

LH and FSH Surge ~24h before ovulation

Function of the uterine (fallopian) tubes

To transmit the ovum form the ovaries to the uterus Provides a suitable environment for fertilization and initial development

4 regions of the uterine tube

Infundibulum Ampulla Isthmus Intramural

Mucosal layer of the uterine tube

Most pronounced in the ampulla Exhibits prominent folds Lined by simple columnar epithelia with two cell types: peg cells (non ciliated) and ciliated cells

Function of peg cells in the uterine tube

Facilitates sperm capacitation Provides nutrients for ovum and early embryo Inhibits movement of microorganisms to the oviduct and peritoneal cavity Growth is stimulated by progesterone

Function of ciliated cells in the uterine tube

Cilia beat toward the uterus to propel the ovum or early embryo to the uterus Ciliogenesis is stimulated by estrogen

Muscularis layer of the uterine tube

Consists of an inner thick circular layer and an outer longitudinal layer of muscle —> peristalsis propels the ovum/embryo to the uterus Inner layer becomes thinner as the tube nears the isthmus Contain blood vessels (esp. veins) that constrict during ovulation and engorge —> leads to bending of the infundibulum and ovary to allow oocyte to enter the tube more easily

Histology of the isthmus

Thinner epithelium Less prominent mucosal layer (less folds)

Function of the uterus

Environment for fetal development

Regions of the uterus


Layers of the uterine wall

1. Endometrium (mucosa)2. Myometrium 3. Perimetrium

Regions of the endometrium of the uterine wall

Stratum functionalis (sloughed off during menstruation)Stratum basalis (regenerative source of stratum functionalis) Made of simple columnar epithelium with secretory cells and ciliated cells Contains glands and lots of ground substance Lamina propria contain glands that are simple branched, tubular —> glands become very coiled during secretory phase of menstruation

Regions of the myometrium of the uterine wall

3 layers of smooth mm 1. Inner longitudinal 2. Middle circular (stratum vasculare — where all the vessels are located) 3. Outer longitudinal

Regions of the perimetrium of the uterine wall

Consists of mesothelium and CT Covers the posterior surface and part of the anterior surface Remainder of the uterus is covered by adventitia

Blood supply of the endometrium

Uterine artery —> accurate arteries —> radial branch —> 1. Small, straight arteries (supply stratum basalis) 2. Spiral arteries (supply stratum functionalis during proliferation)

Factors that contribute to uterine growth during pregnancy

1. Hypertrophy of existing muscle cells 2. Division of existing muscle cells and differentiation of musenchymal cells to become muscle cells 3. Increase in the amount of CT

Histology of the proliferative phase of menstruation

Re-epithelization of functionalis from the basalis layer Straight tubular glands Arteries become slightly coiled Glycogen accumulates in the epithelial basal cells Lamia propria is highly cellular without abundant reticular fibers

Histology of the secretory phase of menstruation

Enlarged, corkscrew shaped glands Secretory products are present in the lumen of glands (rich in glycogen) Few mitotic figures Hypertrophy of epithelia cells Lengthening and coiling of spiral arteries Edema of endometrium (fluid accumulation in the lacunae)

Histology of the menstrual phase

Decrease in glandular secretions and stroma edemaStrata functionalis begins to fall apart

Characteristics of the menstrual phase

Periodic contractions of spiral arteries leads to ischemia of stratum functionalis Continued contraction of spiral arteries causes disruption of surface epithelium and rupture of blood vessels

Contents of menstrual flow

Blood, uterine fluid, stroma, epithelial cells

Types of cells found in the internal os and cervix

Simple columnar epithelium with glands Wall is mostly dense irregular CT except during pregnancy, it becomes more pliable due to changes in the fibrous and amorphous components

Types of cells found in the external os

Stratified squamous epithelium

Types of secretions produced in the cervical mucosa

1. Serous (during ovulation) 2. Viscous (non-ovulation and pregnancy)

Cause of nabothian cysts

Clogged cervical glands

Cervix transformation zone

Area where columnar epithelium is replaced by stratified squamous epithelium Location varies, but is close to the external os Lots of lymphocyte can be found here Location of pap smears

Cervical ectropion / cervical erosion

Transitional zone extends too far into the external os

Causes of cervical cancers

HPV (DNA virus that infects keratinocytes of skin and mucous membranes) Virus can more easily get through columnar epithelium —> cause koilocytosis (perinuclear clearing in cells)

Layers of the vaginal wall

1. Mucosa: stratified squamous epithelium, fibroelastic, richly vacularized CT 2. Mucularis: outer longitudinal continuous with that of the uterus and inner circular; a skeletal muscle sphincter is present at the vaginal opening 3. Adventitia: contains an extensive venous and nerve plexus

Characteristics of vaginal epithelium

Stratified squamous; non-keratinizedSurface is lubricated by mucus secretions form the cervical glands and vestibular glands in the vaginal vestibule During proliferative phase under estrogen influence —> epithelial cells accumulate glycogen to maintain flora

Regions of the vaginal lamina propria

Outer, highly vascular loose CT Deeper region: more dense with thin walled veins = erectile tissue Few sensory nerve ending Diffuse lymphatics and nodules (increase at menstruation)

Regions of the vaginal adventitia

Inner dense CT layer with numerous elastic fibers Outer loose CT layer with numerous blood and lymphatic vessels as well as nerves

Histology of labia majora

Stratified squamous epithelium Sebaceous glands Hair follicles

Histology of labia minora

Folds of skin that contain a core of erectile tissue No adipose tissue or hair follicles Sebaceous glands Homologous to the skin of the penis Cells have abundant melanin —> darker colored skin


Cleft between the labia minora that receives the vaginal and urethral openings

Histology of the vestibule

Lined with stratified squamous epithelium Lesser vestibular glands (Skene's) are present near the clitoris and around urethral opening —> mucus secreting Paired bartholin glands (homologous to male Bulbourethral glands) —> mucus secretion

Erectile bodies of the clitoris

Corpora cavernosa: surrounded by a collagenous sheath Glans clitoris is covered by thin skin that contains numerous sensory nerve endings

Mammary glands

Modified apocrine sweat glands that develop under the influence of sex hormones (ducts are stimulated by estrogen, acini are stimulated by progesterone) Consist of lobes —> each lobe is drained by one lactiferous duct (interlobular CT is dense irregular) Lobules consist of secretory acini and it's associated ducts (intralobular CT is loose)

Epithelium of the mammary glands

Intralobular ducts and lactiferous ducts: simple columnar Lactiferous sinus: stratified cuboidal Nipple opening: stratified squamous

Epidermis of the areola and nipple

Highly pigmented keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with long dermal papillae that is richly vascularized and contain free nerve endings Surrounded by dense CT

Glands of the areola and nipple

Sebaceous glands, sweat glands, glands of montgomery

Smooth mm of the nipple

Circular around the nipple Longitudinal along the long axis of the nipple Contraction is involved with milk ejection

Histology of an inactive mammary gland

Mostly ductsMore adipose tissue and CT between ducts Most sarcomas come from the intralobular loose CT

Function of estrogen in mammary glands

Stimulates growth of ducts

Function of progesterone in mammary glands

Stimulates alveoli growth

Histology of a proliferating mammary gland

Many alveoli Less fat accumulation and CT Increase in plasma cells, lymphocytes, and eosinophils

Cells of the alveolus

Cuboidal secretory cells Myoepithelial cells (respond to oxytocin)

Types of secretions of the mammary gland

1. Apocrine —> lipids 2. Merocrine —> protein

Stimulation of milk production

Stimulated by prolactin 4 days following childbirth when estrogen and progesterone levels decrease Also stimulated by handling of the newborn

Histology of mammary gland involuntion

Decrease in alveoli, fibroblasts, collagen, and elastic fibers