Fall 2022

of the same kind


Most inclusive taxonomic category; larger than a kingdom

milky way

A large spiral galaxy that is home to Earth and the rest of our solar system, and about a trillion stars.


(adj.) likely but not certain to happen, possible; dependent on uncertain events or conditions; happening by chance; (n.) a representative group forming part of a larger body


lacking depth of intellect or knowledge


to make more pure or precise

iscosceles triangle

has at least two congruent sides and angles

equalateral triangle

a triangle with all equal sides


no congruent sides

complemantary angles

Two angles that share the same vertex that add up to 90 degrees


Two angles whose sum is 180 degrees


A figure formed by two rays with a common endpoint

verticle angle

each of the pairs of opposite angles made by two intersecting lines.

linear pair

A pair of adjacent angles whose noncommon sides are opposite rays.

subduction zone

The region where oceanic plates sink down into the asthenosphere.
