Fluid and Electrolytes



Male: 13-18Female: 12-16


Male: 37-49Female: 36-46





Potassium range








Fluid volume deficit


hypovolemia caused by

diuretics, dehydration, abnormal fluid losses (burns, bleeding, N/V/D)

hypovolemia S/SX

decreased urine output, increased HR, low BP, weak pulse, poor turgorHigh hgb, hct, urine gravity & BUN

Fluid volume excess


Hypervolemia caused by

renal or cardiac failure, too much fluids, over irrigation of wounds

hypervolemia S/SX

high BP, bounding pulse, crackles, weight gain, distended neck veins, edemaLow hgb, hct, BUN, urine gravity & creatinine

Sodium imbalance

THINK NEURO*major cation of extra cellular fluid*maintains osmotic pressure*needed for nerve impulses (depolarization)


high sodiumwater deficit

Hypernatremia caused by

diabetes insipidus, insensible perspiration, water deprivation, hypertonic fluids

Hypernatremia S/SX

decreased LOC, thirst, seizures

hypernatremia Tx

oral water, hypotonic fluids


Low sodiumwater excess

hyponatremia caused by

SIADH, water intoxication, tap water enemas, hypotonic fluids

hyponatremia S/SX

decreased LOC, seizures

hyponatremia Tx

fluid restriction

Potassium imbalance

THINK CARDIAC*major cation in extracellular fluid*needed for nerve conduction (repolarization)*needed for smooth muscle, skeletal and cardiac muscle function

Potassium foods

avocados bananaspotatoesspinachbeans citrus juice fish


high potassium Most dangerous

hyperkalemia caused by

potassium sparing diuretics, renal failure, intestinal obstruction, excessive K+ intake, acidosis

Hyperkalemia S/SX

apathy, muscle weakness, diarrhea, dysrhythmias, peaked T waves, cardiac arrest

hyperkalemia nursing interventions

monitor vitals, heart monitor, decrease K+ intake

hyperkalemia Tx

diuretics, dialysis, R insulin & kayexalate (laxative that can be given PO or by enema- it swaps sodium for potassium so the patient will excrete more potassium from the stool)


Low potassium *K+ is excreted through stool & urine

hypokalemia caused by

diuretics, D/V, inadequate intake, alkalosis

hypokalemia S/SX

respiratory muscle weakness, shallow breathing, thready pulse, confusion, decreased reflexes, constipation, flat T waves

hypokalemia nursing interventions

monitor vitals, heart monitor, increase intake, PO supplements, IV potassium chloride (no more than 20 mEq/hr, check renal function first, must be diluted and do not push)

calcium imbalance

THINK SKELETAL*needed for bone formation*excitation of cardiac & skeletal muscle

Calcium foods

milkyogurtkalecheesesardinesbroccoliokraalmondsbok choywatercress

hypercalcemia cased by

high calciumexcessive Ca or vit D intake, bone tumors & fractures, hyperparathyroidism

hypercalcemia S/SX

pathological fx, high HR & BP, bounding pulse, late bradycardia, confusion, lethargy

hypercalcemia Tx

monitor vitals & heart, restrict intake, increase mobility, loop diuretic, isotonic fluids

hypocalcemia caused by

(low calcium) **3 T's (tetany, tingling, twitching)inadequate intake, diarrhea, hypoparathyroidism, renal disease

hypocalcemia S/SX

High HR, low BP, pos Chvostek's (tap facial nerve and cheek and eye twitch) & Trousseau's sign (BP cuff inflated and hand contracts)

hypocalcemia TX

monitor vitals, initiate seizure precautions, increase intake and supplements


THINK MUSCLE*required for ATP*needed for muscle contraction*regulates neuromuscular activity & clotting

Magnesium foods

wheat branalmondsspinachcashewsblack eyed peasoatmealpeanutsbrown rice

hypermagnesemia caused by

(high magnesium)overuse of antacids or laxatives, renal failure, too much IV magnesium

hypermagnesemia S/SX

low HR, BP & RR, loss of tendon reflexes

Hypermagnesemia TX

monitor vitals, muscles, respiratory & LOC, IV calcium gluconate & furosemide

hypomagnesemia caused by

(low magnesium) **ETOH increases magnesium excretion-malnutrition, malabsorption, alcoholism, diarrhea, diuretics

hypomagnesemia S/SX

High HR, low BP, pos Chvostek's (tap facial nerve and cheek and eye twitch) & Trousseau's sign (BP cuff inflated and hand contracts)

hypomagnesemia TX

monitor vitals, initiate seizure precautions, increase intake and supplements

breeze through