coding quiz 2

true or false value


A symbol or container that holds a value.

logical operator

Used to make logical associations between boolean values

or operator

Logical operator that ORs two boolean values. Written as ||. a || b will be true if a or b is true.

and operator

Logical operator that ANDs two boolean values. Written as &&. a && b will be true if both a and b are true.

not operator

Logical operator that negates a single boolean value. Written as !. !a will be true if a is false, and false if a is true.


To flip a boolean value, or take the opposite of a boolean value.

comparison operator

Used to make comparisons between values.


code that you put inside an if statement or while-loop.


the visual structure of how your code is laid out. It uses tabs to organize code into a hierarchy.

if statement

lets you ask a question to the program and only run code if the answer is true.

if else structure

Control structure that lets us do either one section of code or another depending on a test.

control structure

lets us change the flow of the code.

a or an