DLR Week 1 and 2 Study Guide

an idea or feeling that a word invokes


A figure of speech in which an object or animal is given human feelings, thoughts, or attitudes


The literal meaning of a word, dictionary definition

positive denotation

a word whose definition is positive

Negative Denotation

a word whose definition is negative

Greek of Latin word fore

To predict or estimate in advance (forecast)

Incorrect pronoun shift

A pronoun shift is a grammatical error in which the author starts a sentence, paragraph, or section of a paper using one particular type of pronoun and then suddenly shifts to another.

possessive noun

a noun that shows ownership/often uses 's

simple sentence

A sentence consisting of one independent clause and no dependent clause"Caroline likes to eat cake

compoud sentence

A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses that have related ideas"My mom drinks coffee and my dad drinks tea


Looking around, awake, attentive


A trick; an attempt to make someone believe something that is not true

nonrestrictive clause

is descriptive or explanatory and can be omitted without changing the essential meaning; example: My father, (WHO WAS COACHING THE BASEBALL TEAM), met us at the ballpark.


A word that takes the place of a noun


willing to wait without complaining

intensive pronoun

adds emphasis to a noun or another pronounEx. Himself, herself


In the habit of; used to


A comparison of two different things that are similar in some wayDrought:Dry

vague pronoun

a pronoun that has no clear reference to a noun it replacesEx. When Lisa and Kim landed, she breathed a sigh of relief.

context clues

Clues in surrounding text that help the reader determine the meaning of an unknown word

subjective pronoun

Pronouns that can be the subject in a sentence. (Before the verb)

objective pronoun

a pronoun that is the object of the verb (usually after the verb)

possessive pronoun

a pronoun that shows ownership (mine, his, hers, etc.)




A comparison using "like" or "as


A comparison without using like or as


the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning"The fire truck was engulfed in flames


A word that means the same as another word

complex sentence

A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause"We can go to the pool, unless it is closed


a word that means the opposite of another word