DNA Techniques

Restriction endonuclease

are in bacteria and attack foreign DNA to destroy it

restriction endonuclease have a

specific nucleotide sequence target site to cut




the strands are complementary and the endonuclease cut at specific places one each strand that are the same

purpose of sticky ends

cut in a way that allow the DNA to stick back together again

DNA has a ____ charge


large molecules in gel electrophoresis go

not as far as smaller molecules

acrylamide is used in Gel electrophoresis when

separation needs to be at the nucleotide level

pulsed field gel electrophoresis is for

larger bits like chromosomes

blotting paper in Southern blot utilizes

capillary action

Southern blot is for


restriction maps

visualize different restrictive endonuclease sites

With Trinucleotide repeats a southern blot will yield a

larger piece on the blot

Sickle Cell Anemia

DNA mutation, point mutation, all individuals have the same mutation (no allelic homonegativity)

With sickle cell you get one larger marker on the Southern Blot because....

a diseased copy of the gene, and the endonuclease site isn't there

DNA fingerprinting

Several locations on a chromosome contain short tandem repeat regions that are targeted with sequence specific primers and have different numbers of tandem repeats resulting in different fragments

SNPs are analyzed using

DNA fingerprinting


restriction fragment length polymorphism- the absence of a restriction cleavage site in one gene allele compared to another leads to a distinct restriction fragment lengths

Single stranded conformation polymorphism

used when a mutation changes the structure of single stranded DNA as measured by gel electrophoresis


Fluorescence in situ hybridization

FISH purpose

looks like a southern blot but used to check chromosome number or section

Northern Blot

same as southern but for RNA

Western Blot

similar to Southern but for proteins

Western blot differences

uses antibody as a probe , coated with SDS because proteins do not have a uniform charge

Mut S can be used to find

mismatched DNA in a southern blot

DNA foot printing

helps us to identify where a protein binds

Tac polymerase

used for PCR and found in hot springs, does not have clamps

PCR cannot amplify long strands of DNA because

tac does not have a clamp


needed for the extension of annealed primers by a heat stable DNA polymerase in PCR


takes PCR a step further by denaturing the PCR product into single strands of DNA


allows one to use PCR to amplify RNA

Molecular Cloning

`clone genes into plasmids , take the foreign DNA and chops with endonuclease. to create sticky ends


endonuclease involved in moleculer cloning , like AATT

Ligase attacks

Eco-RI to plasmid

use of antibiotic resistance in a plasmid

isolates cells with the desired DNA

genomic library

constructed directly from fragments of genomic DNA

cDNA library

derived from mRNA , the mRNA is covered to DNA by reverse transcriptase and the cloned

Sanger sequencing

DNA has fluorescent markers on it and is elongated and terminated at each marker

Next generation sequencing

group of automated techniques used for rapid DNA sequencing