s3w1d2 - schizophrenia

what is it?

a thought disorder

when does it onset?

for males late adolescent, early 20swomen, late 20s early 30s or during menopause

What causes schizophrenia?

genetic -both parents have, 30% chanceneurochemical - excess dopamine/serotonin neuroanatomical - enlarged ventricles/loss of brain tissuepsychodynamic/family - family dynamic prevents normal developmentviral - virus en uterobirth/pregnancy -

4 a's of scizophrenia

affect - innapropriateassociations - loosening autistic - thoughts inside ambivalence - flip flop

types of delusion are?

persecutory/paranoid - FBI out to get yougrandeur - somatic - believe body is abnormal religious - "I am Jesus"ideas of reference -

neologism is?

new word

Echolalia is?

automatic and immediate repetition of what others say

clang associations are?

the stringing together of words that rhyme but have no other apparent link

what is concrete thinking?

thinking very literally about the physical world

what is thought broadcasting?

Believes everyone can read his thoughts

thought insertion means?

someone putting thoughts in your head

alogia is?

A decrease in speech or speech content; a symptom of schizophrenia. Also known as poverty of speech.

Verbigeration is?

meaningless repetition of specific words or phrases

stilted language example

Would you be so kind, as a representative of Florence Nightingale, as to do me the honor of providing just a wee bit of refreshment, perhaps in the form of some clear spring water?

75% of people w/ schiz don't?

take any medicine

long acting injectables

haldol fluphenazine aripiprazole paliperidone risperidone

catatonia is either..

unmoving or...purposelessness repetitive movement

pos signs of schizophrenia are?

delusions hallucinations hostility

negative signs are?

not speaking affective bluntingno pleasureasocial avolition(no motivation)apathy

for dsm 5 diag for schizo you must?

have two or more pos symptoms for a month

What is waxy flexibility?

ability to move catatonic patient into any physical position that they will most likely retain

schizoaffective disorder is?

combo of mood disorder AND psychotic symptoms even when they are at baseline pt hears voices even if they are not manic or depressed

what is delusional disorder?

doing fine, except pt holds a persistent delusion

schizophreniform disorder is?

1-6 months of schizophrenia but a formal schizophrenia dx can not be made prior to 6 months

what are interventions for hallucinations

cast doubt/ present realityare voices demand?explore how hallucinations are triggeredtell pt to tell voices to go awayreduce anxietypractice mindfulness w/ basic activities