English Vocabulary C1 06

insofar as

to the extent that, to the degree that, to the degree or extent that'The behavior of each element is part of the architecture insofar as that behavior can be used to reason about the system.''The tool is able to cater to almost any need insofar as graphs are concerned.'


звинувачення, обвинувальний акт, офіційне обвинуваченняA written accusation of one or more persons of a crime or misdemeanor, presented to, and preferred upon oath or affirmation, by a grand jury legally convoked.

indite (indited; inditing)

transitive verb1a: MAKE UP, COMPOSE // indite a poemb: to give literary or formal expression toc: to put down in writingindite a message2 obsolete : DICTATE


- місце зустрічі, місце події, місце зустрічі- a place where events of a specific type are held "music venues"- the place from which a jury is drawn and in which trial is held "requested a change of venue""The venue of the trial has been changed." "The nightclub provided an intimate venue for her performance.


перешкоджати, заважати


підступний, хитрий

to shake the knowledge



лякати, залякувати


очевидець, свідок (подій); (байдужий) спостерігач

dry cleaning

хімчистка, хімічне чищення


поширюваний, проникаючий, всепроникний

quid pro quo

послуга за послугуIt is a Latin word that means roughly "this for that


зневажливий, принизливий


прихований, замасковаий

bid rigging

Bid rigging, also referred to as collusive tendering, occurs when two or more competitors agree they will not compete genuinely with each other for tenders, allowing one of the cartel members to 'win' the tender.

off setting



hopeless; unable to be brought back, not able to be saved, improved, or corrected


оснащувати; бурова установка; сфальсифікувати; to be stiff, rigid; to make or do something by using whatever is nearbyverb: make (a sailing ship or boat) ready for sailing by providing it with sails and rigging."the catamaran will be rigged as a ketch"Similar: equip; fit out/up; supply; outfit; furnish; accoutre; array; provide; provision; stock; arm; kit outnoun: 1. the particular way in which a sailboat's masts, sails, and rigging are arranged."the yacht will emerge from the yard with her original rig"2. an apparatus, device, or piece of equipment designed for a particular purpose."a lighting rig


чеснота, доброчесність, перевагаPredicate Nouns: "Love is a virtue." (The noun phrase a virtue follows the linking verb is torename the subject love.)[Nouns that follow linking verbs are known as predicate nouns (sometimes known as predicative nouns). These serve to rename or re-identify the subject. If the noun is accompanied by any direct modifiers (such as articles, adjectives, or prepositional phrases), the entire noun phrase acts predicatively.]


маскуватися, маскування, облудна зовнішність, лицемірство"Maybe this is a blessing in disguise." (The noun phrase "a blessing in disguise" follows the linking verb is to rename the subject "this".)

a blessing in disguise

немає лиха без добра