
belief in, obedience to, and reverence for a god, gods, or similar superhuman power, the performance of religious rites/observances.


one's integrative view of life, involves quest for the meaning and ultimate value of life

Spirituality (traditional sense)

religious process of reformation which aims to recover the original shape of man


an element of spirituality that refers to the fully integrated view to life

Quest for meaning

an element of spirituality referring to the self's search for ultimate knowledge of life through an individualized understanding; includes the purpose of life

quest for the sacred

an element of spirituality referring to beliefs about God

suggest a self-reflective existence

an element of spirituality where one reflects on their self

Spiritual but not religious

- associates faith with the private realm of personal experience rather than with the public realm of erligious institutions, creeds, and rituals- may ignore membership in religious institutions, participation in rites, and adherence to official denominational doctrines

Religious but not spiritual

one does practices but do not understand what it offers to oneself

belief system

ideology/set of principles assisting us in interpreting our everyday reality


creates a mental structure that organizes our basic ultimate beliefs

value laden

beliefs aim at developing values


beliefs exert power to influence a person to follow what these beliefs require


beliefs provide purpose through the goal of the religion


beliefs provide a sense of community


umbrella worldview among the world religions; belief in supernatural deities


Belief in one God


Belief in many gods


powerful being exists but doesn't intervene


the belief that the divine reality exists in everything; everything is god


belief that god is in everything


Belief that there is no god.


Belief that nothing can be known about whether God exists

culture of dialogue

holistic approach emphasizing the human and spiritual dimensions of life-in-dialogue with god, with oneself, with others, and with creation

religion (according to social science)

a system of beliefs and practices by which a group of people interprets and responds to what they feel is sacred and, usually, supernatural as well

-Religion is a collective Phenomenon-Religion is concerned with ordering behavior in relation to the Sacred and/or the supernatural-Religion involves a body of beliefs and moral prescriptions-Religion expects its followers to follow a set of practice

religion as a social reality in four aspects

-One's quest for spiritual growth and self-transcendence-Framework of transcendent beliefs -Sacred texts of writings-Rituals-Sacred spaces

elements of religion

-Holistic -Quest for Meaning -Quest for the Sacred -Suggest a Self-reflective Existence

elements of spirituality

value-laden, prescriptive, instrumental/purposive, communal

elements of a belief system

sincerity, sensitivity, solidarity (sss)

attitudes that help develop inter-religious dialogue.


Founder of Judaism, the first jew, physical and spiritual ancestor of the Jewish people, one of 3 patriarchs (Avot) of Judaism, believed that there is only 1 god


- moshe rabbenu- first 5 books attributed to him- channel between god and the hebrews- 10 commandments

- when the temple of jerusalem was destroyed (586 bc)- when the babylonian empire fell to the persians, where it allowed Jews to rebuild the temple

origin of judaism (2 sequential happenings)


- oldest monotheistic religion- originated 3,500 years ago- influenced western civilization- depicted as a religion, a race, a culture, and a nation


refer to who accepted yahweh as their god


- descendants of hebrews, which originated from abraham- citizens of israel


- came from yehudah or judah, southern kingdom of israel- used to refer someone who practices judaism and takes part in jewish culture


- Hebrew Bible- 24 books divided into 3 parts

Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim

The Hebrew Bible is divided into three sections:


- First five books of the Hebrew Bible- early history of judaism- law & teaching handed down to moses by yahweh- can also be used to refer to the whole jewish bible, the body of scripture we know as the old testament

- covenant of one god with a chosen people- for jews there is only one god, the creator, and israel/the jewish ppl are his chosen ppl

core teaching of judaism

orthodox judaism

The most traditional branch of Judaism

reform judaism

Modern Judaism with fewer rules and more room for individuality

Mount Sinai (Horeb)

Place where God revealed the Ten Commandments to Moses


a holy day for rest and worship


Founder of Christianity

Jesus' life, death, and teachings

origin of Christianity

holy bible

- Christian holy book, which consists of both the New and Old Testament.

old testament

all books of the hebrew w/ some modifications in the arrangement

new testament

-the second part of the Christian Bible, containing descriptions of the life and teachings of Jesus and of his early followers-contains the essential principles/core teachings of Christian teachings

the gospels

narrations of jesus' life and teachings

Acts of the Apostles

early growth of christianity


letters from paul to early christians

the revelation

end of time, judgement, and reign of the kingdom of god

God sent His Son to the Earth to atone for our sins.

core teaching of christianity


Jesus was condemned to death, crucified, and was buried but after three days, resurrected and went to his Father in heaven.

defeat of the earthly powers

the dominant powers during Jesus' time had caused His death but later was defeated by the domination system of God—raising Jesus from the dead.

disclosure of the "Way

a revelation of the possibility of living a life like Christ's

Love of God

revealed on the cross; the Cross symbolizes the unconditional love of God for us

Jesus died for our sins

he was the sacrificial lamb offered by God as atonement for the sins of mankind

catholic church

- central authority is pope- belief in 7 sacraments- belief in purgatory- saints, mary

eastern orthodox church

- pentarchy- naur to immaculate conception- union with synod


a form of Christianity that was in opposition to the Catholic Church

jordan river

Where Jesus was baptized


Resurrection of Jesus


A Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ


570-632. Born in Mecca, died in Medina. Founder of Islam. Regarded by Muslims as a prophet of God. Teachings make up the Qu'ran, the Muslim holy book.


The holy book of Islam


Chapters in the Qur'an (114)


qu'ran is the timeless word of god no human can produce; divine authorship


the opening chapter of the Qur'an; recited during each of the 5 daily prayers

there is only one god and muhammad is his final and greatest messenger

core teaching of islam


Declaration of faith


5 daily prayers


Tax for charity; obligatory for all Muslims


Fasting during Ramadan


Pilgrimage to Mecca


believes that the caliph should be elected by the community


believes that only a descendant or blood relative of muhammad could be his succesor


the holiest city of Islam; Muhammad's birthplace


commemorates when Muhammad received the initial revelations of Qur'an