25 Decade-Defining Events in U.S. History


Declaration of Independence


Constitution of the United States was written.


Whiskey Rebellion

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?

an uprising in Pennsylvania in which some farmers refused to pay the whiskey tax


Louisiana Purchase

Who bought the Louisiana Purchase?

Thomas Jefferson

From whom did Thomas Jefferson brought Louisiana ?



Battle of New Orleans

What was the battle of New Orleans?

last major battle of the War of 1812

War of 1812 (1812-1815)

US v Britain:fought over trade restrictions caused by British-French war; the impressment of American sailors, British support of American Indian tribes against American expansion,


Monroe Doctrine

What is the Monroe Doctrine?

foreign policy doctrine set forth by President Monroe in 1823 that discouraged European intervention in the Western Hemisphere

Era of Good Feelings, 1815-24

time during Monroe's presidency when the country entered a period of national unity.

Era of the common man (1829-1837)

time period in which average citizens had more influence in politics, religion, and reform after the election of Andrew Jackson


Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

What is the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ?

The United States and Mexico signed the treaty ending the war and forcing Mexico to turn over its northern territory to the United States

What were the dates of the Mexican - American war ?



Dred Scott Decision

What is the Dred Scott Decision?

supreme court ruling in a lawsuit brought by Dre Scott, a slave demanding freedom based on his residence in a free state and a free territory w/ master that slaves could not be u.s. citizens/ congress had no jurisdiction over slaves in territories

What were the effects of the dred Scott decision ?

It inflamed sectional divisions, infuriated antislavery groups in the North, and helped to provoke the Civil War.


Emancipation Proclamation

Battle of Gettysburg (1863)

Civil War battle in Pennsylvania, Lee was trying to invade the North and force Lincoln to consider ending the war, thereby letting the Confederacy remain a separate country, Lee order Pickett's Charge-a failure-Lee retreated, Union won this battle, many lives were lost on both sides, turning point of the war, last major attempt to invade the North