Gov 1.1

What is Government?

system or form by which a community/group/society is ruled.


The process by which society decides how power and resources will be distributed.

What is a state?

a state must have four things: population, territory, sovereignty, and a government.

state vs. nation

nation is an ethnic term; large body of people sharing a history, culture, ethnicity, language


a state must have people and the size of the pop. does not matter


a state must have recognized and legal boundaries


supreme and absolute power within its own. decides its own domestic and foreign policy. each state within the US is not soveriegn


agency that helps the state achieve its goals.

why does the government exist?

to protect against anarchy

theory #1 Divine Right

God created the state and God gave those of royal birth the "divine right" to rule.

theory #2 Force

One person or group claimed control and forced people to submit to that person or groups rule.

theory #3 Evolutionary

State developed out of family

theory #4 Social Contract

People give up some of their freedoms to promote safety and well being.

What does the gov do? #1 provides leadership

make decisions on behalf of the people

What does the gov do? #2 maintains order

control and contain conflict; enforces laws

What does the gov do? #3 provides public services

services individual cannot or would not do on our own

What does the gov do? #4 national security

protect people against attack

What does the gov do? #5 economic security

negotiates trade deals, protects/promotes businesses, encourages trade and development of natural resources.