regional state

how many levels of gov

at least two: national form of gov and regional body

national form of government

state retains sovereign powers (army, boundaries, diplomacy, currency, taxes, econ dev, foreign relations, expenditures)national body exercises power of the regionshas full statehoodhas a constitutionhas legislative, executive, judiciary complete apparatuses

regional body

have legislative and administrative powers, not dependent on the state (Lombardy)they do not have fully autonomous power to regulate their fundamental institutionslimited financial autonomy (taxes)autonomous but not sovereign to self-regulateno statehood - no constmay have limited international power (treaties)cannot leave the nation

state's powers

classical theory of Montesquieudistributed: executive, juridical, legislative

in Italy

Art 117 constsome legislative powers can be allocated to regions but other matters are concurrent legislation (legislazione concorrente) which are allocated to both state and regional entities (international, relations, foreign trade, safeguard of employment, education, healthcare)

legislative bodies may be distributed in 2 ways

state is the central authority but powers are balanced:list of matters + residual clause = certain articles of the const attribute matters to regional bodieslist of separated matters + list of concurring matters + residual clause

residual clause

a formula in the cost which states that all other matters not mentioned in the articles are addressed to the state