EOC Terms Test #1

Freeport Doctrine

residents pf a territory could still ban slavery despite what the Supreme Court decided with Dred Scott

Compromise of 1850

agreement designed to ease tensions caused by the expansion of slavery into western territories

Kansas-Nebraska Act

stephen douglas introduced to repeal the missouri compromise with popular sovereignty

Dred Scott Decision

slaves are not citizens but property

Homestead Act of 1862

this allowed a settler to acquire 160 acres by living on it for five years, improving it and paying about $30

Ostend Manifesto

attempt to buy Cuba from Spain for $20 million - not carried out


southern whites who supported reconstruction and the republican party

Emancipation Proclamation

lincolns announcement that all slaves in those states still rebeling would be freed


July 1863 battle that was the turning point in the war. The South never advanced into the North again.

Gettysburg Address

Lincolns speech to honor fallen soldiers

13th amendment

outlawed slavery

14th amendment

full citizenship to African Americans

15th amendment

no one can be denied the right to vote based on color and race

Black codes

prevented people of color to vote, hold office, serve on juries

Radical Republicans

believed the south should be punished for Civil War and their treatment towards African Americans


farmers give land portions of crop to landowners in exchange for rent

Debt Peonage

landowner forces a worker to pay off a debt with work


people from the north moved to the south after the war to take advantage of unstable social, financial and political climate

Hiram Rhodes Revels

First African American in congress

The Nadir

end of reconstruction where racism is at its highest point

Jim Crow Laws

laws designed to enforce segregation of blacks from whites