biology populations

carrying capacity

the largest population that an ecosystem can support

interspecific competition

competition between members of different species

intraspecific competition

competition between members of the same species

abiotic factors that affect population size

wind, temperature, light, pH, water and humidity


1. capture first sample, mark them and release into their habitat2. ensure the marking doesnt harm or increase predation3. leave enough time for organisms to randomly mix4. recapture a sample number in 1st sample x number in 2nd sample / number marked in 2nd sample

assumptions made in mark release recapture to be valid

1. marking isnt removed2. sufficient time to mix 3. no / limited migration 4. few births and deaths 5. sampling the same for both captures

frame quadrats

1. use a random number generator to find coordinates of an area youve previously turned into a grid (avoids bias)2. use a large sample size (20 quadrats) and place them at the coordinates 3. count the number of organisms in each quadrat4. calculate a mean by repeating the experiment and using a stats test to avoid chancesize of field / quadrat area x number of species = population size

Belt transect

1. lay rope / tape measure along area2. rope / tape measure has equal markings at regular intervals 3. place frame quadrats at each interval4. count number of species inside the quadrats 5. use several transects to find a mean and carry out a stats test


A group of organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring.


amount of individuals in the same species


All the different species that live together in an area

species richness

the number of different species in a community


An organism's particular role in an ecosystem, or how it makes its living.


Place where an organism lives

food source

What an organism obtains its energy from.

biotic factors

living parts of an ecosystem

abiotic factors

non living / chemical parts of an ecosystem


a combination of biotic and abiotic factors


The number of different species in an area and how many in each species

sessile organisms

organisms anchored and cant move

motile organisms

Organisms that can move

ecological succession

1. pioneer species colonises a harsh environment2. death of pioneer species releases nitrogen compounds and causes soil / humus to form3. this makes abiotic environment less hostile4. this enables other species to colonise increase biodiversity5. pioneer species eventually outcompeted6. after 100 years a climax community is created

3 features of a climax community

1. same species present over long period of time 2. population sizes are stable 3. abiotic factors are stable


maintain the natural biodiversity of an ecosystem

Methods of conserving habitats

1. seedbank stores2. fishing quotas 3. protecting natural parks and nature reserves 4. breeding endangered species in captivity

conservation practices to increase biodiversity

1. maintain hedgerows2. dont create monocultures, use intercropping3. dont fill in ponds and wetlands4. keep animals contained while grazing5. stop using pesticides, use natural fertiliser6. plant trees in low biodiversity areas