economic development and growth

economic development

Economic development is the process of improving the quality of life of a nation, region or community.

infant mortality rate

A figure that describes the number of babies that die within the first year of their lives in a given population per 1000.

life expectancy

the number of years a person can expect to live

ways to improve life expectancy

.have a healthy diet .get rid of stress.avoid risks

ways to decrease infant mortality

mothers must stop:.drinking and smoking during pregnancy.Reduce Teen Pregnancy Rates.Improve Access to Quality Prenatal Care.


Economic Development Policy

education improvement

teacherstechnology involve parents

infant mortality rate in Sa

25.8 per 1000


Disposal of waste products

where do we find sanitation

mostly in rural areas due to dirty liwater

sanitation effects

water born diseases

water born diseases



good thing for people to prevent wasting time and money

How does a nation achieve economic development?

a nation achieves economic development when emerging economies become advance economies and you can see a gradual shift from agriculture to industry to services that will result in economic growth.

What are the consequences of economic development?

A longer average life expectancy, Improved productivity, higher literacy rates, and better public education, are also consequences

economic growth

a steady, long-term increase in real GDP

political stability

the ability of a government to consistently provide services that meet the basic needs of most of the population to foster the public's confidence in the institutions of the state

strategies that encourage development

increase capital formation (machinery etc.)

Supply-side policies

economic policies designed to stimulate the economy by increasing production

strategies that encourage development

improvement quality of workforce

supply-side policies examples

Labour MarketCapital MarketsEntrepreneurshipCompetition and Efficiency

Free-market supply-side policies

involve policies to increase competitiveness and free-market efficiency

strategies that encourage development

promote entrepreneurs

free-market efficiency

A free market economy makes allocative efficiency possible. Allocative efficiency is achieved when the economy has used its resources in such a way that consumer satisfaction is at its highest possible level


All the accumulated physical and financial assets, which enable people and businesses to earn an income.


Useful or valuable things, people, or qualities possessed by people.

2 types of assets

- Financial assets- Physical assets

Example of Social Assets/Social Wealth

Hospitals and schools owned by the state

characteristics of developing countries

Low standard of living, High population growth, dependence on primary products

Creation of national wealth

By adding to the factors of production, to increase output and income