Chapter 16

Buzurg ibn Shahriyar

wrote the Book of the Wonders of India


(r.606-648 CE) He restored centralized rule in northern India after the collapse of the Gupta. He can be compared to Charlemagne.

Mahmud of Ghazni

Islamic leader who ruled parts of Iran and India between the years 997-1030. Islamic presence in India was quite new at the time. Unaccustomed to ruling a non-Muslim population, he destroyed various Hindu and Buddhist temples. His raids into India are often portrayed as being motivated by money.

Harihara and Bukka

definition: two brothers dispatched by officials in Delhi to represent the sultan and implement court policies in the sought. Converted from Hinduism to Islam; in 1336 they renounced Islam, returned to Hindu faith, and proclaimed of an established empire, independent empire of Vijayanagarsignificance: Established a new empire


A Hindu reformer and philosopher in the Advaita Vedanta school


taught in the hands of Vishnu one will win god's grace and live in presence

Guru Kabir

(1440-1518) a blind weaver, who was one of the most famous bhakti teachers, went so far to teach that Shiva, Vishnu, and Allah were all manifestations of single, universal deity.


Sindh is one of the four provinces of Pakistan. Located in the southeastern region of the country, Sindh is the third-largest province of Pakistan by total area and the second-largest province by population after Punjab.

Sultanate of Delhi

Islamic state in northern India established by Mahmud's successors in 1206 C.E. that began to establish the presence of Islam on the Indian subcontinent.

Chola Kingdom

Kingdom situated in the deep south. At its high point, Chola forces conquered Ceylon and parts of southeast Asia, funded by the profits of trade, dominated the sea, did not build a tightly centralized state.


Southern Indian kingdom (1336-1565) that later fell to the Mughals.


seasonal wind patterns that cause wet and dry seasons


Arab sailing vessels with triangular or lateen sails; strongly influenced European ship design


Chinese ships, particularly from the 1400s, are often called these. It was a sturdy Chinese ship design and the largest of its kind were treasures ships that could carry a thousand tons of cargo.

Kingdom of Axum

Founded in the highlands of northern Ethiopia, adopted Christianity, built an empire that included most of Ethiopia as well as Yemen in southern Arabia.

Caste System

a set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person's occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society


A Hindu god considered the preserver of the world


A Hindu god considered the destroyer of the world.


Muslim mystics who seek communion with God through meditation, fasting, and other rituals


Hindu spiritual path based on love for one's chosen deity


definition: Early complex society in Southeast Asia between the first and sixth centuries C.E.significance: demonstrated Indian influence


A state based on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, between the seventh and eleventh centuries C.E. It amassed wealth and power by a combination of selective adaptation of Indian technologies and concepts, and control of trade routes. (192)


Southeast Asian Khmer kingdom (889-1432) that was centered around the temple cities of Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat.


first major Muslim city in Southeast Asia