Psych Ch. 31

While caring for a client with anorexia nervosa, the nurse anticipates that the client would have difficulty making which of the following comments?A) ​I'm mad at you because you won't let me go on a pass unless I gain weight!​B) ​I need to have everything in its place and perfect.​C) ​If I gain a pound, I'll just keep gaining weight.​D) ​​I am very involved in preparing my food and counting calories.​


A nurse is performing an admission assessment for an adolescent girl with an eating disorder who is being admitted to the psychiatric unit. Which statement would the nurse interpret as most likely supporting the client's diagnosis?A) ​My father was always very thin.​B) ​I've never really liked myself.​C) ​I have a lot of confidence in myself.​D) ​I feel really close to my parents and my brother.​


A client with bulimia nervosa is being treated at an outpatient clinic and is prescribed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Which of the following would the nurse include when teaching the client about the prescribed medication?A) Closely monitor your fluid intake while taking this medication.B) Stop taking this medication if it causes weight gain.C) Expect menstrual irregularities, particularly if they've occurred previously.D) Report any weight changes that occur during the first few weeks this medication is taken.


The nurse is caring for several hospitalized clients with anorexia nervosa. The nurse would be especially alert for which of the following if noted in the clients' histories?A) paranoiaB) primary insomniaC) depressionD) aggression


The nurse is preparing to discharge a client who has been hospitalized with anorexia nervosa. Which of the following would the nurse include in the teaching plan?A) Knowing the calorie content of numerous foodsB) Learning strategies to control impulsesC) Describing physiologic consequences of anorexia nervosaD) Setting realistic goals


A client with bulimia nervosa is scheduled for a visit to the clinic. When assessing this client, which of the following would the nurse expect to find?A) impulsivityB) panicC) hyperactivityD) delusions


The nurse is planning to explain the purpose of the behavioral therapy technique of self-monitoring to a client with bulimia nervosa. The nurse would emphasize keeping a diary to record which of the following?A) Feelings of hungerB) Efforts at distractionC) Environmental stimuliD) Rigid rules about eating


A psychiatric​mental health nurse working in the community is planning an educational program for fifth and sixth grade teachers. Which of the following would the nurse include?A) Discussion of strategies the teachers can use to counteract the role media plays in encouraging eating disordersB) Emphasis on the need for teachers to focus their prevention efforts on female studentsC) Stressing of the need to allow students to eat without undue attention or supervision to preventinadvertently influencing eating patternsD) Clarification that peer pressure is not typically problematic in children who are in the fifth and sixthgrades


The nurse is initiating a group for adolescent girls diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Many of the clients in the group are irritable and resent having to attend. One of them comments, ​This is a stupid waste of time!​ Which of the response by the nurse would be most appropriate?A) ​If you feel that way, then you can just leave.​B) ​You sound irritated; tell me about what is bothering you.​C) ​You were assigned to this group by your therapist, so you must participate.​D) ​Sit down and be quiet; your peers would appreciate some peace and quiet.​


An adolescent is brought to the emergency department by her parents because they were concerned about their daughter's appearance. The client appears emaciated and pale. The parents tell the nurse that the client has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. A history and physical examination and laboratory testing are completed. Which of the following would lead the nurse to suspect that the client will be admitted to the hospital? Select all that apply.A) Blood pressure of 110/60 mm HgB) Elevated serum potassium levelC) Decreased serum magnesium levelD) Heart rate of 40 beats/minE) Statements of being ​hopeless​

c, d, e

A group of nursing students is reviewing the similarities and differences between bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder. The students demonstrate understanding when they identify which characteristics as specific to binge-eating disorder? Select all that apply.A) Clients typically are obese.B) Clients refrain from purging behaviors.C) Binge-eating periods are shorter.D) Clients engage in overexercising.E) Feelings of guilt do not occur after binging.

a, b

A nursing instructor is reviewing the various theories related to anorexia nervosa. Which of the following would the instructor include when describing theories related to the biologic domain? Select all that apply.A) Genetic vulnerabilityB) Separation​individuationC) Role pressuresD) Dieting leading to starvationE) Pursuit of thinnessF) Decreased serotonin activity

a, d, f

A nurse is preparing a presentation for a local middle school health class about eating disorders as a means for prevention and early detection. Which of the following would the nurse incorporate into the presentation as being common to both anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa? Select all that apply.A) Body dissatisfactionB) Feelings of controlC) ObsessivenessD) Boundary problemsE) Sexuality fearsF) Cognitive distortions

a, c, f

A nurse is reviewing the plan of care for a client with anorexia nervosa and notes a behavioral plan for increasing weight. The nurse correlates this intervention with which nursing diagnosis?a) Disturbed Body ImageB) anxietyC) Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body RequirementsD) Ineffective Coping


A nurse is interviewing a client diagnosed with bulimia nervosa about her family and her relationship with her mother. Which statement by the client would the nurse least likely associate with bulimia nervosa?A) ​My mother is my confidante for everything.​B) My mother's happiness depends on me.​C) My family basically has very few rules.​D) ​My mother and I are close but not joined at the hip.​


A nurse is developing a plan of care for a client newly diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. Which of the following would the nurse expect to implement in conjunction with pharmacologic therapy?A) Behavioral therapyB) Cognitive behavioral therapyC) Interpersonal therapyD) Family therapy


While talking with a client with an eating disorder, the client states, ​I've gained 2 pounds, so soon I'll be over 100 pounds.​ The nurse interprets this as which of the following?A) magnification B) selective abstractionC) overgeneralizationD) dichotomous thinking
