forms and systems of govt

systems of government

sharing power between the various governments within a state

Forms of Government

how the government operates: ideology on how best to govern

systems describe:

how power is distributed between levels of govt


central power weak, states are in control, loose relationship

federal system

central and state share power, people elect national and state representatives

unitary system

central govt has all power, delegates, only one set of laws

how is the executive chosen in parliament

by the legislature, which are elected by the people

absolute monarchy

king/queen has all power

constitutional monarchy

king/queen have no power


rule by people

direct democracy

people vote on law and policies themselves

representative democracy

people choose leaders to represent them


states ask people to vote on proposals


states allow people to gather signatures to create ballot


helping citizens, govt takes control of businesses, free healthcare


common ownership, all equal


controls all aspects of life

communist governments

china, cuba, vietnam, laos


ruled by one group of wealthy people


rule by one (dictatorships and absolute monarchy)