Astronomy Units 3-4 S1

_____ means to make less dense or to expand.


Which Kirchhoff principle says that a luminous, glowing solid or liquid emits lights in a continuous spectrum?

First Kirchhoff principle

Which Kirchhoff principle says that if the white light from a luminous source is passed through a gas, the gas may abstract, or remove, certain wavelengths from the continuous spectrum?

third Kirchhoff principle

Which Kirchhoff principle says that a rarefied luminous gas emits light whose spectrum shows bright lines?

second Kirchhoff principle

_____ believed a solar spectrum to be a continuous spread of color.

issac newton

_____ first noticed dark lines in the solar spectrum in 1802.

william wollaston

_____ invented the spectroscope.

Joseph von Fraunhofer

unbroken array of all colors


having only certain distinct wavelengths present

bright-line; emission

having some wavelengths missing from a spectrum

dark-line; absorption

Dark lines that are thicker than normal indicate the presence of a(n) _____.

magnetic field

A receding light source will show the placement of spectra lines shifted toward the ____ end of the spectrum, while an approaching light source will show the placement of spectra lines shifted toward the _____ end of the spectrum

red, blue

The absence of _____ spectra indicate cool or cold temperatures.


Emission spectra indicate the presence of the _____ needed to vaporize elements.


The normal atomic state is electrically _____.


_____ occurs when an electron leaves the atom entirely and drifts in the void between the individual atoms.


When bright spectral waves are projected onto a ruled background, the lines _____ appear in the same places.


The _____ of the bright-line spectrum for each element is unique to that element.



adjustable metal slit

brings diverging light rays to parallel tracks

A collimating lens.

presents the image in the form of a spectrum

A prism or a diffraction grating.

makes a permanent record

A camera or other light-gathering device.

An element is a substance consisting only of ___ and which cannot be decomposed by ordinary means.

one kind of atom

What does spectroscopy reveal about objects under investigation?

-surface temperature and what elements are present-whether the object is approaching or receding from us-whether the object has a magnetic field-whether the object has a magnetic field and whether the object is approaching or receding from us-surface temperature-what elements are present(all of these)

What is the meaning of the word void?

an empty space or vacuum

Plasma is the _____ state of matter in which atoms are torn apart and exist as free electrons, atom nuclei, protons, and neutrons.


What is the latitude of sunspot origin?

between 30 and 35 degrees of latitude

Differential rotation is an unequal rotation in which material closer to the Sun's equator spins _____ than material farther away.


The Sun is composed of gas and is _____, meaning it shines by its own light.


The _____ is the Sun's glowing disk, or "light globe.


Modern observations have established that the sunspot cycle takes _____ years to complete.


As the sunspot cycle progresses, the latitude of sunspot origin gradually moves toward the _____ from both north and south.


During the sunspot cycle, the number of sunspots that appear gradually _____, then begins to decline toward the end of the cycle.


The average figure for solar rotation is _____ days.


Galileo Galilei discussed sunspots in 1610.


Richard Carrington introduced the sunspot cycle in 1843.

False; Heinrich Schwabe introduced the sunspot cycle in 1843.

Heinrich Schwabe discovered that sunspots originate in certain latitudes.

False; Richard Carrington discovered that sunspots originate in certain latitudes.

Richard Carrington discovered the differential rotation of the Sun.


A relatively small, dark area in a plage appears.


A strong magnetic field is recorded.


The magnetic field fades and all the traces of any disturbance disappears entirely.


The spots and then the plage merge back into the normal, grainy top of the photosphere.


The spots grow and more may form.


A plage appears.


The dark area grows into a sunspot, followed by a second sunspot of opposite polarity.


_____ twists the material of the photosphere deep below the surface.

Differential rotation

The Sun has a twenty-two year _____ cycle.


Granules last for about eight_____ while sunspots can last for a(n)____

minutes, months

_____ discovered that sunspots, which occur in pairs, have opposite magnetic polarities.

george hale

A flow of free electrons is an electric current, which generates its own _____.

magnetic field

Sunspots appear as a result of _____ pushing up from the bottom.


Solar turbulence is produced by a process called _____, in which water is heated, rises to the surface, spreads out, cools, and sinks again.


The photosphere consists of columns of hot gases rising from lower depths, with each column top being _______ to _______ kilometers across.

300, 1,000

shows the magnetic nature of sunspots

zeeman effect

a spot of intensely glowing atoms


intense ultraviolet and x-ray radiation with high-speed electrons and other nuclear particles that escape solar gravity

solar wind

a magnetic tunnel that forms beneath the photosphere when nearby magnetic field lines suddenly join together

flux tube

grains" on the column tops of the photosphere that show the Sun to be turbulent


the condition in a single body where properties differ from one end of that body as opposed to the other


a flowing or movement


a backward-circling current to the normal flow


being in a state of strong agitation


The Sun has a(n) 11-year magnetic cycle.


The dimming or elimination of light from one heavenly body by another body is called _____.

an eclipse

_____ is a constituent part of basic structure.


_____ is the highest point.

an apex

_____ is to force away by pushing.


The element _____, discovered by Joseph Lockyer, was named after the Greek word for Sun, helios.


Joseph Lockyer discovered _____ in the Sun's spectrum in 1868.


Sir William Ramsay discovered helium on Earth in a gas given off by a compound of _____.


The upper region of the chromosphere is full of _____ or plasma jets, making the upper boundary hard to define.


The main constituent, or necessary part, of the chromosphere is _____, which gives a red color in incandescence.


Temperatures within the chromosphere, or "color globe" range from ____ to _____ degrees

4,500; 100,000

The _____, meaning "crown," is the outermost layer of the Sun, which blends into surrounding space.


Temperatures within the corona are high enough to ionize ______ and ______, as well as other elements.

iron and calcium

When the density of a gas is low, its actual energy content is _____.


Coronal mass ejections happen daily and supply a major portion of the total _____.

solar wind

Radiation is the process by which _____.

heat and light reach from the Sun to the Earth

After its formation, _____, the ordinary form of helium, does not enter into the Sun's atomic processes.


When two helium-3 nuclei unite, a light form of a _____ is created.

beryllium nucleus

_____ forms when a deuteron captures a third proton.


A _____ is a proton-neutron combination that becomes the nucleus of a form of hydrogen.


A collision between atomic particles is necessary to overcome the natural _____ between them.


The counteracting outward pressure exerted because temperatures are so _____ keeps the Sun's core from collapsing due to gravity.


Estimates give the Sun _____ billion years more to shine.


In overall color, the Sun is _____ compared to other stars.


Pressure waves travel up from the convection zone to the top of the _____, where they are reflected back down again.


A(n) _____ can measure disturbances inside the Sun.


_____ are also known as hydrogen nuclei.


Fusion occurs under conditions of ____ million degrees and of pressures thought to be ____ million times Earth's atmospheric pressure at sea level.

15, 250

During fusion, lighter atoms are bonded together with heavier atoms, releasing ______ and ______ as by-products.

light and heat

Hydrogen is converted into helium during a nuclear reaction process known as _____.


To _____ means to take away or remove something.


A deuteron becomes a heavy _____ nucleus.


Spectroscopy supplies information about an object under investigation, EXCEPT _____.

whether the object is ionized

The _____ contains 99.9% of all matter in the Solar System.


The influence of the _____ is thought to reach 23.5 billion kilometers.


Our solar system extends out from the solar corona in the form of _____.

solar wind

The limit of our star's influence marks the beginning of the space between the stars, known as _____.

interstellar space

_____ and helium in Mercury's atmosphere are thought to have been captured by incoming solar wind.


Mercury has an iron core that generates its _____.

magnetic field

days are those measured from noon to noon, while checksidereal


days are those measured against a star sighting.


Mercury completes a full rotation in _____ days.


_____ discovered that waves shift as a moving source passes a stationary observer.

Christian Doppler

In 1631, _____ tracked Mercury in "solar transit," the passage of one body across the disk of another.

Pierre Gassendi

_____ made the first telescope observation of Mercury in the early 1600s.

Galileo Galilei

Mercury's orbital path is _____ in shape.


A waxing and waning occurs because the angle between Mercury and _____ changes over time.


Which of Mercury's probes mapped its surface features?


Earth has no counterpart to the weird terrain of _____.


Craters like the Caloris Basin are formed by _____.

meteoric impact

_____ means to grow in brilliance.


_____ means to diminish in brilliance.


The size, appearance, and change of phase of _____ is similar to Earth's moon.


_____ refers to when a body only presents one hemisphere to the object it is orbiting.

tide locked

_____ is the planet's area of magnetic influence.


An inner layer of a planet between the crust and the core is the _____.


_____ means an exact opposite.


relating to matter falling from space


the apparent shape of an orbiting body

change of phase

the passage of one body across the disk of another


_____ means to place into a system of reference.


_____ means to twist and bend out of shape.


Which four reasons describe why Venus cannot contain life?

-The atmosphere consists of carbon dioxide and nitrogen.-The clouds consist of sulfuric acid.-The atmospheric pressure is equivalent to pressure at 1 kilometer under sea-Venus has no magnetic field.

Which three facts did Mariner 2 reveal about Venus?

-There is layered structure to Venus' cloud.-Surface temperatures are roughly 400 °C.-There is no planetary magnetic field.

Venera 8 discovered the difference in _____ between high- and low-altitude winds.


The surface of Venus cannot be observed from Earth because its atmosphere is _____, and cannot be penetrated by light.


In 1962, _____ became the first probe to reach Venus.

mariner 2

In a condition termed _____, winds distribute heat around Venus, so that temperatures are relatively equal from place to place.


_____ discovered the presence of an atmosphere on Venus.

Mikhail Lomonosov

Venus' clouds permit visibility from one to three kilometers, while also filtering out all but _____ light.


Rocks on the surface of Venus have been identified as _____, or volcanic rock.


Venera 15" mapped 98% of Venus' surface.


Maxwell Montes" may result from electrical activity high in Venus' clouds.

Ashen Light**

Unlike other planets, Venus rotates east to west, which is termed "prograde".


Geographic" means pertaining to the study of a planet's structure.


Codify" is a system of names used in a science.


It is "impossible" to view Venus in daylight.


Venus' orbit is almost perfectly "elliptical.


Venus' surface temperatures are not higher because the cloud tops reflect most _____.

solar radiation

On Earth, the greenhouse effect causes our _____, or mild, climate.


On Venus, the greenhouse effect lets sunlight through but retains _____.


Fractures having both radial and concentric features that resemble spider webs are called ____ , while circular rings of fractures that are sometimes surrounded by a depression are called ____

arachnoids, coronae

Radial fracture systems are called _____.


Pancake volcanoes have extremely ____ sides, ___ tops, and slightly ____ centers.

steep, flat, depressed

Venus' highest mountain is named _____, which stands 11 kilometers above the average surface elevation.

Maxwell Montes

The major mechanism in forming Venus' geography is _____, or volcanic action.


In the _____, solar ultraviolet radiation converts sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid. Acid drops in a mist fall into the lower atmosphere, where they mostly evaporate. The vapor transforms into sulfur trioxide, which reacts with carbon monoxide to yield carbon dioxide and more sulfur dioxide.

fast atmospheric cycle

In the _____, glass permits sunlight to pass through it. When this energy is reflected, its wavelength is lengthened to infrared. Since glass is opaque to infrared, this heat energy remains within the glass structure to measurably warm the interior.

greenhouse effect

a break, crack, or rupture


equal temperature; the condition by which wind distributes heat on Venus


Because of its brightness, Venus is visible even in _____.


Venus' clouds have a(n) _____ structure.


Giovanni Schiaparelli announced the presence of _____ on Mars.


What are three reasons a visitor to Mars would need to wear a spacesuit?

to provide a sufficient amount of oxygento provide a sufficient amount of air pressureto provide protection from ultraviolet radiation

Dust devils are spinning columns of _____ that cause random patterns of dark streaks on Mars' surface.


_____ discovered that Mars has two moons.

Asaph Hall

____ means panic, and ____ means fear

deimos, phobos

Mars has four _____ because its axis is inclined.


Seasonal variations in color work their way toward the _____ and back again as the seasons come and go.


Orbital variation makes seasons in the ______ hemisphere more extreme than in the _____ hemisphere.

southern, northern

Some members of the scientific community also support the idea Mars is a possible haven for _____.


Most astronomers concluded that "canals" on Mars resulted from optical _____, or false impressions not based on fact.


Since ozone, a special oxygen molecule, is lacking in Martian air, deadly amounts of _____ radiation from the Sun reach the ground.


Mars is colder than Earth because it receives _____ as much sunlight.


Ground-level temperatures and air pressure are _____ than those outside our highest-flying aircraft.


Mercury's sky is black, Venus' sky is orange, and Mars' sky is _____.


The change of seasons between the southern and northern hemisphere sometimes results in planet-shrouding _____.

dust storms

Martian soil has a high iron content, which when combined with oxygen produces ferric oxide, or _____.


Martian soil is _____ to cells.


Liquid water on Mars' surface today would either _____ instantly or _______

freeze, evaporate

Water existing on Mars today would be in the form of _____, or permanently frozen ground.


Dry "riverbeds" may also be caused by a collapse into channels carved by _____ rivers.


Dry "riverbeds" make some believe that Mars had huge amounts of _____.


_____ is the largest mountain on Mars.

olympus mons

Volcanism, molded Mars' _____, the physical features of a region.


The results of all the tests performed by Vikings I and II were _____.

attributed to reactive soil chemicals

When Martian soil was _____, an unexpected burst of oxygen occurred.

exposed to water

When Martian soil was _____, not a single compound was detected.

tested for carbon

When Martian soil was _____, 15 times more oxygen than expected was given off before dropping.

soaked with a nutrient

Valles Marineris is the biggest _____ in the solar system.


_____ is a chemical combination with oxygen and another element.


_____ means pertaining to living things.


_____ means to choke.


_____ means "germ.


_____ means to wander from place to place.


In Italian, the word canali means _____.
