APUSH unit 1 and 2 vocab


corn, america--> europe

Encomienda system 1500-1600

It gave those who obtained licenses the right to exact labor and tribute (payment) from the natives in specific areas, used by the spanish

Caste System

A spanish imposed caste system, creoles, peninsulares, etc

Pueblo Revolt

Native American revolt against the Spanish, expelled the Spanish for over 10 years; Spain began to take an accommodating approach to Natives after the revolt

Slavery in West Africa / Trade Slaves

the majority of slaves were considered members of the society that had enslaved them and many slaves had the right to marry and their children were often free. a small group were "trade slaves" who were not seen as members of society and who were sold from one African kingdom to another.

The Iroquois aka the League of Five Nations

The federation of tribes occupying northern New York: the Mohawk, the Oneida, the Seneca, the Onondaga, and the Cayuga. The federation was also known as the "Iroquois," or the League of Five Nations, although in about 1720 the Tuscarora tribe was added as a sixth member. It was the most powerful and efficient North American Indian organization during the 1700s. Some of the ideas from its constitution were used in the Constitution of the United States.


Christian sect in post-Reformation England who wanted to purify the Church of England by abolishing Catholic elements from it. They did not want to separate from the Church of England, but reform it from within. Many Puritans came to the New World in the seventeenth century to found purified religious communities and were instrumental in founding Massachusetts and Connecticut. They believed in the Calvinist doctrine of predestination and tight-knit conformity.


Christian religious group that wanted separation from the Church of England. The Pilgrims were a separatist group who founded Plymouth Colony in 1620. In contrast to the Puritans, Separatists held the Church of England was so corrupt it was beyond reform. Consequently, they formally separated from it, which brought persecution and the decision to leave England.

joint-stock company

Financial method created by the British to facilitate the colonization of the New World in the seventeenth century. Joint-stock agreements banded merchants together as stockholders, and allowed them to raise large amounts of money and share the risks and profits in proportion to their part of the total investment.


The colony was formed by the Virginia Company as a profit-earning venture. Starvation was the major problem; a majority of the colonists died the first year, many of the survivors left, and the company had trouble attracting new colonists. They offered private land ownership in the colony to attract settlers, but the Virginia Company eventually went bankrupt and the colony went to the Crown. Virginia did not become a successful colony until the colonists started raising and exporting tobacco.


Staple crop of the southern American colonies that was first commercially produced in Virginia in 1612. Tobacco was vital to the economy of the British empire and to the success of Virginia. Tobacco flourished despite the fact that it was a luxury item and many saw it as harmful to health and family life. Production and distribution expanded quickly, this ultimately led to a drop in price and profits by the 1640's. After the 1640's colonists continued to grow tobacco, but also added other crops such as cotton, rice, and sugar.

Headright System

Program started by the Virginia Company that granted every head of a household fifty acres for himself and fifty additional acres for every adult member of his family or servant brought into the colony of Virginia. Adopted in Maryland and Virginia because of labor shortages.

House of Burgesses

The Virginia House of Burgesses was formed in 1619. This was the first representative government group in the colonies.

Mayflower Compact

Document signed by the Pilgrims who came over on the "Mayflower" which established a civil government and proclaimed their allegiance to the King. The Compact was notable for being one of the earliest examples of self government in the English colonies.

Voting granted to church members

The Massachusetts general court passed an act to limit voting rights to church members. This was a prime example of the influence welded by the Puritan church on the political leadership of the colony.

Fundemental Orders of Connecticut

Hartford settlers drew up this first written constitution in American history that established a representative government made up of a legislature elected by popular vote and a governor chosen by the legislature.

king philip's war

The most prolonged and deadly war between whites and Indians along the Eastern seaboard. A series of battles in New Hampshire in 1675 between the colonists and the Wampanoags, led by chief Metacom or "King Philip." The war was started when the Massachusetts government tried to assert court jurisdiction over the local Indians. The colonists won this war with the help of the Mohawks. The victory opened up additional Indian lands for white expansion, and inflicted a lasting defeat on New England's Indians.

Bacon's Rebellion

Nathaniel Bacon, impoverished farmer, led an uprising against Governor William Berkeley of Virginia because he had not protected frontiers from Indians and angered Virginians who protested much of what Berkeley was doing. Bacon died of natural causes, the Rebellion failed and Berkeley took revenge on the protestors. Many former indentured servants, who could not afford to buy desirable farmland, were followers of Bacon. The near success of Bacon's Rebellion led Virginia planters to think twice about the dangers of a large white landless group of young men as a labor source (former indentured servants who could not afford to buy land) vs. using African slaves.

Indentured Servitude

Passage paid for poor young men and women to come to colonies; in return, they worked for the person who paid their passage for a set number of years, usually 5-7 years, after which they gained their freedom. An indenture is a type of contract. Indentured servants were the primary source of labor in the American colonies during the early years of settlement.

New York and Philadelphia as urban centers

New York became an important urban center due to its harbor and rivers, which made it an important area for trade. Philadelphia was a center for trade and crafts, and attracted a large number of immigrants, so that by 1720 it had a population of 10,000. It was the capital of Pennsylvania from 1683-1799. As urban centers, both cities played a major role in American Independence.

Great Awakening

Widespread religious revitalization movement that stressed vital religious faith and personal choice. Characterized by large, open-air meetings where itinerant preachers gave emotional sermons. This movement is sometimes referred to as the First Great Awakening, to distinguish it from a later movement in the 1820's-1830's, known as the Second Great Awakening.