CNA vocab pt 1


Leaving a patient after care has been initiated and before the patient has been transferred to someone with equal or greater medical training.

abdominal thrusts

a method of attempting to remove an object from the airway of someone who is choking

abductor wedge

Is designed to separate the legs of a patient, often used after hip surgery.

abnormal vital signs

vital signs that are not in normal range


the process or action by which one thing absorbs or is absorbed by another.


physical or emotional harm to someone


an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.


specific tasks that need to be accomplished as part of the process


sharp; shrewd


Able to change as needed

adaptive devices

special equipment that helps a person who is ill or disabled to perform ADLs; also called assistive devices.

adaptive equipment

modification of equipment or devices to improve the function and independence of a person with a disability


Movement toward the midline of the body


activities of daily living


right to enter; access

admitting resident

the individual being accepted into a Long Term Care Facility

advance directives

A legal document designed to indicate a person's wishes regarding care in case of a terminal illness or during the dying process


without fever

affected side

a weakened side from a stroke or injury; also called the "weaker" or "involved" side.

aging process

the natural occurrences in the body that produce the changes associated with growing old


a state of anxiety or nervous excitement


acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, an often fatal disease of the immune system caused by HIV infection


fear or anxiety caused by the sudden realization of danger

alternating pressure mattress

air forced through mattress on alternating basis to decrease pressure on the body

Alzheimer's disease

a progressive and irreversible brain disorder characterized by gradual deterioration of memory, reasoning, language, and, finally, physical functioning

alzheimer's care

special care units (SCUs), memory care units usually provide 24-hour supervised care


the act of walking


an individual who has had a limb removed


The study of body structure


a strong feeling of displeasure


chest pain caused by decreased blood flow to heart muscle

Antibiotics are

a medicine (such as penicillin or its derivatives) that inhibits the growth of or destroys microorganisms

Anti-embolic stockings

special stockings used to help prevent swelling and blood clots and aid circulation; also called elastic stockings


The condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen


inability to speak, caused by brain damage


absence of breathing

appropriate response

The correct response to a given situation.


Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart


inflammation of a joint


free from disease-causing microorganisms (germs)


Breathing fluid, food, vomit, or an object into the lungs


threat or attempt to injure

assistive devices

Special equipment that helps a person who is ill or disabled to perform ADLS; also called adaptive devices.


to waste away


feelings, often influenced by our beliefs, that predispose us to respond in a particular way to objects, people, and events

authorized duty

a person approved or assigned by the employer to perform a specific type of duty or duties or to be at a specific location or locations at the job site.

axillary temperature

Temperature taken at the armpit


single-celled organisms that lack a nucleus; prokaryotes


Making a deal, in return for a cure, they will fulfill promises.

basic needs

food, water, air, and shelter that an organism needs to survive

basic skin care

care provided for resident's skin that involves cleaning, drying, and moisturizing

bath water temperature

The temperature of the water used to give a bath, should be between 105-115 degrees Fahrenheit


the act of washing yourself (or another person), safety of resident

bed cradle

a metal or plastic frame suspended over the hospital bed to keep the weight of the linen off the resident's body

bed making

Rearrange a bed and its coverings to its condition before it was slept in.

bed position

the position the bed is in, the head of the bed is raised between 45 and 60 degrees

Bed rails

The metal or plastic sides of a hospital bed that are used to prevent a client from falling out of bed

bed rest

Placement of the patient in bed for therapeutic reasons for a prescribed period.

bed sore

pressure ulcer


The way an organism reacts to changes in its internal condition or external environment.

behavioral care plan

principles for managing a patient (treat behavior/mental)


specific ideas that people hold to be true


a biological or chemical substance or situation that is dangerous to human beings and the environment

bladder training

goal is to gain control of urination done as directed by nurse and care plan person uses toilet/pan at frequent regular intervals and is slowly increased. Person has catheter which is clamped to prevent urine flow for periods of time (1-2hrs at first then up to 3-4hrs) to train bladder


inability to see

blood pressure

Pressure exerted by the blood upon the walls of the blood vessels, especially arteries, usually measured by means of a sphygmomanometer and expressed in millimeters of mercury.

body alignment

Position of the body so it can function properly

body fluids

blood, pus, liquid from sores, urine, stool, tears, spit, droplets from sneezes and coughs, and sputum, refers to any fluid produced by a living organism

body mechanics

the proper use of the body to facilitate lifting and moving and prevent injury

Body System

groups of organs that perform specific functions in the human body

body temperature

the amount of heat in the body that is a balance between the amount of heat produced and the amount lost by the body

bowel program

The establishment of a "habit program" or a specific time to empty the bowel.


blood pressure


movement of air into and out of the lungs


state of emotional, mental, and even physical exhaustion


injury to tissues caused by heat contact

call light

allows the patient to call for help via light and/or sound


any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division

cardiac arrest

complete stopping of heart activity

cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

emergency procedure consisting of external cardiac compressions and artificial ventilation

cardiovascular system

The transport system of the body responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients to the body and carrying away carbon dioxide and other wastes; composed of the heart, blood vessels, and blood.

care impaired

When a person has trouble remembering, learning new things, concentrating, or making decisions that affect their everyday life.

care plan

a written plan for each resident created by a nurse; outlines the steps taken by the staff to help the resident reach his or her goals

care planning

Care options and services.


orthopedic devices that are used to protect and support fractured or injured bones and joints


clouding of the lens of the eye


A tube used to drain or inject fluid through a body opening

catheter care

thorough cleaning of the perineal area (especially around the urethra) and the catheter tubing that extends outside of the body, to prevent infection

cc's in an ounce

One ounce = 30 cc

Central Nervous System (CNS)

brain and spinal cord

Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)

stroke; caused by interruption in blood flow to the brain due to a blockage or bleeding in a cerebral artery

chain of command

the order of authority within a facility

charge nurse

a nurse responsible for a team of healthcare workers

chemical restraint

intentional use of any medications to subdue, sedate, or restrain an individual

Chemical Safety

the practice of using occupational chemical substances in a manner that ensures the safety and health of humans and prevents damage to the environment


The use of drugs to treat diseases such as cancer


congestive heart failure


a complete blockage of the airway requiring immediate action


continuing for a long time


Short-term, repetitive, or cyclical movements that recur on a regular basis.

circulatory system

the organs and tissues involved in circulating blood and lymph through the body


the act of making clear or understandable


The process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface.

cleaning spills

apply gloves, wipe up immediately (outside to inside), cleaning solution, becareful of sharp objects and if spill gets on you wash immediately tell proper people. wash hands.

clear liquid diet

a diet that consists of foods that are liquid at room temperature and leave little residue in the intestine. Ex: Water, Sprite, Ginger Ale, all beverages without any residue, broth, Jello


Ordained individuals who perform spiritual and/or religious functions.

cognitively impaired

A brain disorder in which thinking abilities are mildly impaired.

cold application

Minimizes swelling and reduces bleeding by constricting the blood vessels. Should never be done directly to the skin as it will cause cell damage. Should never be done for more than 20 minutes as damage may occur.

cold compress

a cold folded and moistened cloth or towel that is placed over a small area of the body for moist cold therapy

colostomy bag

Is a medical device prosthetic that provides a means for the collection of waste.

Colostomy care

Keep the patient as free of odors as possible; empty the appliance frequently.Inspect the patient's stoma regularly.Note the size, which should stabilize within 6 to 8 weeks.Keep the skin around the stoma site clean and dry.Measure the patient's fluid intake and output.Explain each aspect of care to the patient and self-care role.Encourage patient to care for and look at ostomy.


state of profound unconsciousness

combative resident

resident with violent or hostile behavior.




The imparting or exchanging of information or news


A force that pushes on or squeezes a material.


lead; guide; escort


not talking about company business with other people


A struggle between opposing forces

conflict resolution

the process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem solving

confused resident

A resident who is unable to think with clarity or act with understanding.

congestive heart failure (CHF)

heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood


the passage of a hard, dry stool


get smaller

contact isolation

Is a name for safety procedures that prevent specific germs from spreading in the care facility.


The introduction of dangerous chemicals, disease, or infectious materials.


the property of a continuous and connected period of time


To draw together, to reduce in size