Econ Vocab 1 Part 2

Profit motive

when financial gain is an incentive for economic activity

Consumer sovereignty

determines what produces will produce based on whether the consumer will buy it

Private ownership

owned by an individual or organization rather than the government


when businesses try to get consumers to purchase their goods over another company's goods

Government Regulation

the extent to which the government has control over economic decisions made by consumers and/or producers


how much ability the members or society have to make economic decisions


has to do with protecting individuals and businesses from risk


increasing production of goods and services over time


fairness within the economy in regard to taxation, welfare and availability of resources


when factors or production are allocated to their most productive use

price stability

the general price level in an economy does not change much over time

full employment

seeks to ensure that all those who are willing and able to work have the opportunity to do so


refers to the goal of individual countries to maintain an upward trend of GDP

Public Goods

an item whose consumption is not divided by the individuals consumer but by the society as a whole, which if financed through taxation

income redistribution

Taking tax money from one group of individuals or firms and giving it to other individuals and firms

Market failures

Occur when the private market is unable to produce goods and services in a way that benefits the whole society

Government Deregulation

process of removing or reducing regulations


relationship between inputs and outputs


something that goes into making a good or service


amount of good or service being produced

standard or living

refers to the material well-being people in an economy enjoy