Chapter 1 Vocab


Observation and experimentation


Introspection that reveals structure of human mind


Enables organism to adapt, survive, and flourish

experimental psychology

the study of behavior and thinking using the experimental method


Idea that psych should study without mental processes

human psychology

Growth potential of healthy people

Cognitive Psychology

the interdisciplinary study of the including perception, thinking, memory, and language


the scientific study of behavior and mental processes

nature-nurture issue

the controversy over the relative contributions of biology and experience

natural selection

Trait variations passed on to survive and reproduce

levels of analysis

Different views for analyzing any given phenomenon

Biopsychology approach

Biological psychological and social cultural levels of analysis

Behavioral psychology

Observable behavior due to learning

Biological psychology

Links between biological and psychological processes

Cognitive psychology

Mental activities like thinking knowing membrane in speaking

Evolutionary psychology

Evolution of behavior and mind using natural selection

Psychodynamic psychology

Unconscious behavior information used to treat mental disorders

social-cultural psychology

Situation and cultures affect behavior and thinking


Measurement of abilities attitudes and traits

Basic research

Pure science to increase the Scientific knowledge base

Development psychology

Physical cognitive and social change throughout life span

Educational psychology

Psychological processes affect/enhance teaching and learning

personality psychology

Person characteristic pattern of thinking feeling and acting

Social psychology

How we think about influence and relate to others

Applied research

Aims to solve practical problems

Industrial organize psychology

Human behavior in workplaces

Human factor psychology

How people and machines interact i

counseling psychology

a branch of psychology that assists people with problems in living and in achieving greater well-being

Clinical psychology

Treat people with psychological disorders


Medicine dealing with psychological disorders (therapist or physician)

Positive psychology

Functioning with goals and achievements

Testing effect

enhanced memory after retrieving


Survey, Question, Read, Retrieve, Review

Wilhelm Wundt

Created idea of introspection and structuralism

G. Stanley Hall

Evolution theory and development over lifespan idea

William James

Had the theory of functionalism

Mary Whiton Calkins

First female president of the APA

Margaret Floy Washburn

First female to be awarded a PhD in psychology; 2nd president of the APA (1921)

Sigmund Freud

Studied unconscious dreams through dream analysis

John B. Watson

Created theory behaviorism and studied psychological discipline

B.F. Skinner

Idea reinforcement-stimuli to encourage or discourage responses

Carl Rogers

founder of humanistic approach

Ivan Pavlov

Developed testing the concept of reflex and instinct

John Piaget

First to make a systematic study of acquisition and understanding in children

Charles Darwin

Natural selection theory and how we change over time

Dorothy Dix

Expanded over 30 hospitals for treatment of the mentally ill


Ask questions to understand the relationship between body and psyche

Abraham Maslow

Idea of humanism

Edward Titchener

Engage people in introspection reporting sensations and experience of a moment