lec 17

benefits of migration

-increased access to resources-escape deteriorating (climate) conditions

cost of migrations

increased risk of -higher predation risk -flying over large bodies of water

mitratory behaviour

energetically demanding


need to gain extra weight or energy to reach destination

red knots

need horseshoe crab eggs during migration to arctic breeding grounds

less well fed red knots

more likely to die (less likely to be re-captured next year)

mortality rates

in raptors are 6x higher during migration season than when stationary

common blackbird

migrants had 16% higher chance of surviving the winter than resident staying behind is worse!

red-eyed vireos

birds w/ low fat reserves would be less likely to cross the large waterbody

blackpoll warbler

successfully complete the overwater trip have reduced costs of getting to their destination -duration half as long-fewer predators -cold front + westerly breezes

differences in migration strategy

red knots use flapping flightsuse large fat reserves on migration

shorebird species

migrate at night to avoid predation

sockeye salmon

pop. reduced while migrating; -migrate @ night (favoured)-waiting in predator-free areas for other individuals to travel as group (dilution effect)

top-down forces

more daylight hours (change in resources)-more food growth-predation -reproduction

bottom up forces

decline in water and increase in saltiness of the water in drying rivers/shrinking water holes

multi factors impacting migration

bottom-up and top-down forces can interact to shape migratory behaviour

diff in migration strat

monarch migration not driven by food

monarch butterflies

killing freezes occur regularly @ night throughout eastern NA during winter-freezes rare in Mexican mountains

why not go to lower elevations in mexico?

monarchs use up their water and energy reserves in warmer drier areas (higher is moist and cool)

conditional strategy

choose whether to migrate depending on their social status

socially dom individual chooses

subordinates left w the option of lower fitness (but better than trying to behave like dom) ex. area limitation