AVID Vocab 1.1

Muse - (v) [myooz]

To become absorbed in thought; to turn something over in the mind (Sometimes she would sit and muse about the options for her future.)

Meticulous - (adj) [muh-tik-yuh-luhs]

Excessively careful; painstaking; scrupulous (The finicky millionaire was insistent that the housekeeper be meticulous in cleaning the bathrooms.)

Urbane - (adj) [ur-beyn]

Notably polite or polished in manner (Her urbane behavior made it obvious that this was not her first visit to a fine dining restaurant.)

Sagacity - (n) [suh-gas-i-tee]

The quality of being keen in judgment (When selecting a college to attend, it is important to proceed with great sagacity.)

Edify - (v) [ed-uh-fahy]

To instruct to improve, enlighten, or uplift (The motivational speaker related a personal experience in order to edify the audience.)