CNA 21 skills and state exam practice

Materials needed for 1. Hand Hygiene

1 sink1 pump of soap6 paper towelsKEEP HANDS LOWER THAN ELBOW

Materials needed for 2. Applies one knee-high elastic stocking

1 Ted Hose

Materials need for 3. Assists to ambulate using transfer belt

1 Table barrier or FOB1 Gait belt* CHECK for non-skid shoes and socks* 1-3 MIN DANGLE* 3 ROCK before standing

Materials needed for 4. Assists with use of bedpan

2 Table barriers1 privacy blanket4 Gloves1 Bedpan1 roll of toilet paper4 Wet wipes2 Paper towels

Materials needed for skills 5. Cleans upper or lower denture

1 table barrier (only one bc you move the bedside table to demonstrate the sink portion and move it back) 1 bucket (as sink) 1 washcloth1 basin1 toothbrush1 toothpaste3 glovesoptional1 cup1 mouthwash1 towel for chest5 oral swabs

Materials needed for 6. Counts and records radial pulse

1 watch1 pen1 chart

Materials needed for 7. Counts and records respirations

1 watch1 pen1 chart

Materials needed for 8. Donning and removing PPE (gown and gloves)

1 gown1 gloves* CHECK FOR HOLES

Materials needed for 9. Dresses client with affected (weak) right arm

1 table barrier1 privacy blanket2 gloves1 new gown

Materials needed for 10. Feeds client who cannot feed self

1 Tray and food card1 towel and clothing protector* CHECK ALLERGIES AND WRIST BAND* raise bed* raise HOB to 80 degrees1 table barrier for soap2 gloves1 bucket1 soap3 wash cloths for hand washing resident

Materials needed for 11. Gives modified bed bath (upper body)

1 Table barrierPrivacy blanket2 big towels for behind the head and arm1 bucket 1 soap10 wash clothes4 gloves1 new gown* no soap on face

Materials needed for 12. Measures and records urinary output

1 table barrier2 Paper towels2 gloves1 bedpan or urinal or catheter1 measuring container2 alcohol wipes for catheter*CHART IN ML

Materials needed for 14. Measures and records weight of ambulatory client

1 paper towel1 gloves* CHECK for non-skid shoes and socks

Motions for 15. Performs ROM on lower body

1 HIP- f+e, ab+ad, and rot2 KNEE- f+e3 ANKLE- f+e, rot side to side4 TOES- f+e, rot side to side* ask for p/d* repeat 3x* mention next step* don't over expose

Motions for 16. Performs ROM on upper body

1 SHOULDER- f+e, ab+ad, and rot2 ELBOW- f+e3 WRIST- f+e, rot side to side4 FINGERS- f+e, rot side to side* ask for p/d* repeat 3x* mention next step* don't over expose

Materials needed for 17. Positions on side

1 table barrier4 pillows

Materials needed for 19. Provides foot care on one foot

1 table barrier1 bucket1 soap1 towel3 wash clothes2 gloves1 lotion* Soak for 1 min* dry in between toes

Materials needed for 20. Provides mouth care

1 table barrier2 gloves1 towel as clothing protector1 basin2 cups1 toothbrush1 toothpaste1 mouthwash1 Chapstick

Materials needed for 21. Perineal care

2 table barriers1 privacy blanket4 gloves6 wash cloths1 bucket1 soap

Materials needed for 22. Transfers from bed to wheelchair using transfer belt

1 table barrier1 wheelchair1 gait belt* CHECK for non-slip

Materials need for 23. measures and records manual BP

1 stethoscope 1 arm cuff and bulb1 chart1 pen2 alcohol wipes

4's upper body bed bath

FACE1- eye2- eye3- whole face4- behind ears and neck* remove arm on gownARM1- front arm2- back arm3- fingers/hand4- armpitCHEST1- chest and shoulder2- breast3- breast fold4- abdominal fold

Steps for side lying

1- head2- elbow3- folded under back4- between knees5- folded under ankles to float heels?1. move toward me in 3's 2. flip 3. make sure arm is at 90 degrees by head

blood pressure

Bp or MMHG

Radial pulse

Bpm- beats per min


Cpm- cycles per min

Urine output

Ml/cc - milliliters