US History Quiz #1

Age of...

Discovery or Exploration

When was the Age of Discovery/Exploartion?

15th and 16th centuries 1400-1600

Reasons for exploration?

Expand ones empire, and mercantilism

What is mercantilism?

Regulation of business and trade with goal of ENRICHING parent country.

Who were the forefront of the age of exploration?

Spain and Portugal

What did Spain and Portugal create?

Line of demarcation

What was the Line of Demarcation?

Split the trading routes, one goes east and one goes west.

Who was unhappy with the line of demarcation.


How was Portugal Appeased?

Through the treaty of Tordisills

What was the treaty of tordisills?

Adjusted the line to appease Portugal.

What are caravels?

Lighter, quicker trading ships.

What is a mercenary?

Someone motivated by fame and fortune.

What was the reason for Columbus's voyage?

To find a quicker trade route to Asia Because he was a mercenary.

What was the significance of Columbus's voyage.

His voyage led to many other voyages and discoveries.

Why did Columbus deem the indigenous people he found "Indians".

Because he thought he was in India.

Who was Leif Ericcson?

PROBABLY" the first explorer to see North America, but it is not for certain since he didn't journal his "findings". It is said this happened in 1000 A.D.

What was it called when all the continents were linked together?


What is a Nomad?

Someone who moves from place to place based on where they can survive and thrive the best.

What does it mean to be Indigenous?

You are native and original to the land.

Who was Ferdinand Magellan?

He was the head of the voyage who first circumnavigated the global.

Who was Juan Ponce de Leon?

He was an explorer searching for the so-called "fountain of youth".

What did Juan Ponce de Leon find?

He found Florida.

What does Florida mean?

Land of flowers.

What was the Columbian Exchange?

The transfer of people, plants, animals, ideas, food, and diseases.

What was one of the most important animals that was traded in the Columbian exchange?

Horses, since they provided transportation.

What did the Europeans bring to the Indigenous people that was so dangerous?

Diseases and illness.

Why were the disease the Europeans brought so dangerous to the Indigenous people?

Because the Indigenous people were not immune.

Who were the Tainos?

Native American tribe that Columbus deemed as the "Indians".

What is globalization?

The process where trade and business happen internationally.

Global is synonymous with...


Enriching is synonymous with...


What is a monarch?

A king or queen.

What is a Monarchy?

The government that includes a king or queen.

Who were Isabella and Ferdinand.

The King and Queen who sponsored Columbus on his voyage.

Who was Hernan Cortez?

Spanish Conquistador who conquered the AZTECS.

Who was Francisco Pizarro?

Spanish Conquistador who conquered the INCAS.

What is a dynasty?

A tribe or ruler who rules for a long period of time.

Who were the tribe dynasties?

Mayas, Incas. Aztecs.

Who was Sir Walter Raleigh?

He found the first ENLGISH settlement.

What does it mean to be a Sir?

You have been courted by the Queen.

What is a Charter?

FORMAL WRITTEN agreement that grants authority to the holder.

What is an encomenida?

Land grant that allows one to take over foreign land. Allows to tax and rule over natives.

Who was Amerigo Vespucci?

Italian explored/cartographer who the Americas is named after.

What includes the new world?


What includes the old world?

Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Who are the original processors of north america?

France, Spain, and Britain.