Week 10: Digestive System

primary function of digestive system

transfer nutrients, water, and electrolytes from food into body's internal environment; disassembly line to break macromolecules into individual components

Structure of GI tract

mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa, serosa


Innermost layer of GI tract, specialized to selective transport across membrane; has goblet cells that secrete mucous, exocrine cells that secrete digestive enzymes and juices, and endocrine cells that produce GI-specific hormones; inner sub-layer is epithelial barrier and mucous membrane that has constant production of mucous; middle sub-layer is lamina propia or basement membrane with acellular connective tissue; external layer is muscularis mucosa


Middle layer, thick connective tissue

muscularis externa

inner sublayer of circular muscle and outer sublayer of longitudinal muscle; circular contracts to change diameter of tube, longitudinal contracts to shorten tube


serous membrane, outermost layer


Double-layered membrane surrounding the abdominal organs in abdominal cavity; parietal lines body cavity, visceral lines organs, peritoneal cavity in between


connects visceral and parietal peritoneum; connects visceral structures to each other and visceral structures to cavity wall; also conduit for blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels

4 basic processes of digestive system

motility, secretion, digestion, absorption

motility in digestion

2 types of movements: mixing and propulsive; mixing movements mostly caused by segmentation contractions of circular muscles; propulsive movements move things forward, usually caused by peristalsis; different frequencies at different parts of GI tract (higher in stomach, lower in large intestine)


the process of wave-like muscle contractions of the alimentary tract that moves food along; most common propulsive movement

secretion in digestion

mucus secreted throughout gut; acid (HCl in stomach), digestive enzymes (also from pancreas), bile salts (from liver); secretions dependent on where in the GI tract; timing usually done by feedforward + feedback mechanisms, anticipatory secretions as well as once food enters canal

digestion in digestion

Chemical breakdown of carb, proteins, fats via enzymes and movements

absorption in digestion

taking nutrients into the bloodstream; job of the small intestine for the most part; happens after digestion after food is broken up into small enough fragments

non-digestive functions of GI tract

excretion of waste, fluid + electrolyte balance (regulating amount of water + sodium lost v. reabsorbed), immunity (largest barrier against pathogens)


gut associated lymphoid tissue; immune tissue associated with mucous membrane (part of MALT); pathogens must get through GI wall to enter ICF/plasma; lymphocytes and mast cells located in between epithelial cells of lamina propia; pathogen that leaves GI tract goes to liver which uses hepatic phagocytic cells called Kupffer cells to destroy

control and regulation of digestion

done via enteric system (local control, short loop, controlled by the gut) and extrinsic system (long loop, controlled by brain) as well as enteric endocrine system

short loop of digestion

enteric nervous system, division of parasympathetic NS, gut innervated by its post ganglionic fibers; completely separate from central nervous system, can regulate digestive function autonomously; contains myenteric plexus and submucosal plexus

myenteric plexus

nerve supply between the two layers of the muscularis externa; regulates motility, sensors that feed it information, interprets sensation to stimulate effector aka muscles; provides smooth, coordinated contraction for peristalsis

submucosal plexus

within submucosa; receives information re: composition of what is within tract, controls secretions, stimulates release of appropriate digestive enzymes; indirectly influences motility by communication with myenteric plexus; indirectly influences absorption based on secretions and how they influence motility, i.e. can increase number of enzymes, slowing down motility, and increasing absorption; detects presence of toxins and increases mucous secretion and stimulates myenteric plexus to increase motility and decrease absorption

extrinsic control of gut

long loop; autonomic nervous system; from sympathetic nerves, innervate GI tract to slow digestion; from parasympathetic (vagus) nerve to increase digestion; has ability to override enteric NS, but doesn't need to

enteric endocrine system

secretes hormones from cells scattered throughout GI tract in response to specific stimuli; can be instructed by submucosal plexus or by vagus nerve; acted upon by other GI hormones


Tube connecting the mouth to the stomach; chewed food gets pushed to back of pharynx, causes distention and triggers swallow reflex, opening of pharyngoesophageal sphincter, triggers wave of peristalsis down the GI tract; peristalsis continues until all food goes down and distention stops


Lower esophageal sphincter opens up to stomach; fundus (top), body, antrum (bottom); pyloric sphincter + duodenum at end of antrum; motility is mostly peristalsis and receptive relaxation; enteric nervous system controls via myoenteric plexus; with each peristaltic wave, small amount of chyme pushed through pyloric sphincter, when wave reaches sphincter it shuts it and chyme rebounds to cause more mixing

pacesetter cells

have set frequency, waves of depolarization when stomach empty not high enough to reach threshold, when we eat, waves become more active and trigger action potentials and wave of peristalsis

receptive relaxation

as food travels in the esophagus, stomach muscles relax in preparation to receive food; controlled by swallowing center of brain; minimum capacity of stomach is 50 mL when relaxed and empty, up to 20x that until distention begins

mucosal lining of stomach

deep gastric pits within mucosa, little holes that lead to deep invaginations, at bottom are cells responsible for secreting digestive enzymes; differs in fundus/body versus antrum in terms of which cells are present

oxyntic mucosa

lines the body and fundus of stomach; contains mucosa cells (produce highly alkaline mucous to create protective coating against stomach acids), parietal cells (secrete HCl and ICF for B12), chief cells (produce pepsinogen that becomes pepsin when hits acids), enterochromaffin (ECL) cells (endocrine cells that release histamine to act on chief and parietal cells to increase their secretions)


released as pepsinogen, activated into pepsin when in contact with gastric juices, proteolytic enzyme

pyloric gland area

lines the antrum of stomach; contains G cells (secrete gastrin to stimulate gastric secretion + motility and go into bloodstream and hit intestines to stimulate bowels), D cells (secrete somatostatin to decrease gastric secretion + motility)

4 phases of gastric acid secretion

interdigestive, cephalic, gastric, intestinal

interdigestive phase

peristaltic contractions pass over large segments of the intestine; no active digestion taking place; basically when we're asleep, controlled by circadian diurnal rhythm: secretions lowest in morning, highest in evening

cephalic phase

all cues anticipatory, no food in the stomach yet; comes from vagal stimulation which stimulates submucosal and myenteric plexus; in response to thinking about, smelling, seeing food, brain sends signals to increase motility of stomach and increase production of pepsinogen, HCl, gastrin

gastric phase

food enters stomach and causes distention, submucosal plexus detects it and stimulates secretion of pepsinogen and HCl; also sensed by G-cells which act on parietal cells to make more HCl, ECL cells to make histamine which makes more HCl; also sensed by vagus nerve and triggers stimulation of same cells

intestinal phase

food leaving the stomach and entering the duodenum distends the intestine, triggering D-cells to release somatostatin to decrease stomach motility and slow the secretion of gastric juices; things need to be slower so absorption can happen, pancreas and liver have time to release bile and digestive enzymes; fats also slow down gastric emptying, create a bottleneck in the duodenum because they take so long to break down; duodenal mucosa cells sense changes in fat, acid, hypertonicity, and distention and trigger neuronal reflex through enteric system and hormonal response of enterogastrones


Duodenal enteroendocrine cells release two important hormones that inhibit gastric secretion: secretin increases pancreatic secretion of sodium bicarbonate to act on duct cells, CCK releases pancreatic enzymes + bile to slow down gastric emptying

acinar cells

enzyme-secreting cells of the pancreatic ducts (exocrine portion), acted upon by CCK

duct cells

cells in pancreatic ducts; secrete bicarbonate, acted upon by secretin to neutralize acids

pancreatic enzymes

proteolytic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase), pancreatic amylase, pancreatic lipasen (breaks down fat, slows down digestion the most)


composed of bile salts, cholesterol, lecithin, bilirubin; role is to emulsify fats by making lipid droplets into smaller droplets surrounded by bile salts to prevent droplets from re-combining; increases surface area for breakdown of fat; bile flows from liver down bile duct and backs up into gallbladder when not actively digesting; CCK opens sphincter of Oddi and contracts gallbladder, bile flows into duodenum, some bile is reabsorbed in terminal of small intestine and goes back to liver, triggers production of even more bile; positive feedback loop that shuts off when fat digestion is complete

small intestine

duodenum, jejunum, ileum; where all digestion and absorption is completed; uses segmentation contraction for both mixing and propulsion; gentle slow propulsion increases contact of food with absorptive areas; mucous membrane has villi and microvilli to further increase surface area that contain enterokinases, disaccharidases, aminopeptidases, called brush border membrane

fat digestion

dietary fat as large TG, bile salts result in lipid emulsion, pancreatic lipase breaks down into monoglycerides and free fatty acids alonf with bile salts to form micelles; micelle enters enterocyte and reassembles into TG, is coated with lipoprotein to become chylomicron which goes out central lacteal

central lacteal

The initial lymphatic vessel that supplies each of the small-intestinal villi; has capillaries, lymphatic vessels

large intestine

water, electrolytes and minerals absorbed here; feces moves from ilium to ileocecal valve to cecum to ascending colon to transverse colon to descending colon to sigmoid colon to rectum and out anal sphincter; motility handled with Haustral contractions, segmentation contractions that are slow and nonpropulsive; mass movements are mostly propulsive and happen 3-4x a day, usually after meals, to move feces down; eventually trigger defecation reflex

defecation reflex

stretch receptors in rectum trigger peristaltic waves due to distention of walls; reflexively relaxes internal anal sphincter and allows for voluntary use of external anal sphincter to control defecation