Unit 0: Chemistry Fundamentals

Where should you measure a liquid?

eye level at the meniscus

What is a meniscus?

curved upper surface of a liquid in a tube

What should you do when you record your measurement?

record all known digits and one guess digit

What should you do when you record your measurement that was found using a digital scale?

you do not need to record a guess digit

What is water displacement?

when you calculate volume by measuring the change in a graduated cylinder's water level when you put an object in it

What are significant figures?

valid digits in a measurement

What are the rules for determining significant figures?

all non-zero numbers are significant, sandwiched or smashed zeros are always significant, leading zeros are never significant, trailing zeros are only significant if there is a decimal point, counting numbers and conversion factors have infinite significant factors

What is the rule for reporting answers when adding or subtracting?

report answer to the same number of decimal places as the value that had the least decimal places

What is the rule for reporting answers when multiplying or dividing?

report answer to the same number of significant figures as the value that had the least significant figures

What is dimensional analysis?

way to analyze and solve problems using the units, or dimensions, of the measurements

How do you add or subtract using scientific notation?

make the exponents the same

How do you multiply or divide using scientific notation?

multiply or divide the coefficients and then add or subtract the exponents

What is an independent variable?

factor in an experiment that a scientist purposely changes

What is a dependent variable?

factor that is measured in an experiment

What is a scatter plot?

graph in which the values of two variables are plotted along two axes, the pattern of the resulting points revealing any correlation present

What kind of variable is recorded along the x-axis of a scatter plot?

independent variable

What kind of variable is recorded along the y-axis of a scatter plot?

dependent variable

What is the best-fit-line?

line that includes most if not all data points on a scatter plot

What is a calibration curve?

specific type of scatter plot made in which the concentration of a substance is the independent variable and a resulting property of the solution is the dependent variable

What is the percent error equation?

∣experimental value-accepted value/accepted value ∣ x 100

Do metals gain or lose electrons and what do they become?

lose electrons to become cations

How do you name cations?

element name + ion

Do nonmetals gain or lose electrons and what do they become?

gain electrons to become anions

How do you name anions?

change ending to -ide

What are multivalent elements?

elements with two or more possible charges

How do you write the names of multivalent elements?

write roman numerals in parentheses indicating their positive charge

What are polyatomic ions?

ions that are made of more than one atom

How many oxygens does an ion starting with perch- have in relation to the ion ending in -ate?

one more than -ate

How many oxygens does an ion ending in -ite have in relation to the ion ending in -ate?

one less than -ate

How many oxygens does an ion starting with hypo- have in relation to the ion ending in -ate?

two less than -ate

What is the name and charge for NH4?

ammonium, +

What is the name and charge for OH?

hydroxide, -

What is the name and charge for CN?

cyanide, -

What is the name and charge for MnO3?

manganate, -

What is the name and charge for FO3?

fluorate, -

What is the name and charge for ClO3?

chlorate, -

What is the name and charge for BrO3?

bromate, -

What is the name and charge for IO3?

iodate, -

What is the name and charge for NO3?

nitrate, -

What is the name and charge for C2H3O2?

acetate, -

What is the name and charge for SCN?

thiocyanate, -

What is the name and charge for NaIO4?

sodium periodate, -

What is the name and charge for H2PO4?

dihydrogen phosphate, -

What is the name and charge for HCO3?

hydrogen carbonate or bicarbonate, -

What is the name and charge for CO3?

carbonate, 2-

What is the name and charge for SO4?

sulfate, 2-

What is the name and charge for S2O3?

thiosulfate, 2-

What is the name and charge for CrO4?

chromate, 2-

What is the name and charge for Cr2O7?

dichromate, 2-

What is the name and charge for C2O4?

oxalate, 2-

What is the name and charge for O2?

peroxide, 2-

What is the name and charge for HPO4?

hydrogen phosphate, 2-

What is the name and charge for PO4?

phosphate, 3-

What is the name and charge for AsO4?

arsenate, 3-

What is the name and charge for BO3?

borate, 3-

What is the name and charge for C6H5O7?

citrate, 3-

What are ionic compounds?

electrically neutral compounds composed of cations and anions

What are the two rules for ionic compounds?

cations are always first in both formula and name and ionic formulas are simplified

How do you name ionic compounds?

name the cation first and then the anion with the -ide ending

How do you write ionic compound formulas?

write the charge of the two elements and then switch the number to make the charge equal zero

What are ionic hydrates?

ionic substances that have water as part of their crystal structure

How do you name ionic hydrates?

name the ionic compound and then hydrate with a prefix indicating how many water molecules there are

How do you write the formula of ionic hydrates?

write the formula for the ionic compound, a dot, and then the number of water molecules

What are covalent compounds?

electrically neutral compounds made up of two or more non-metals

How do you name covalent compounds?

use prefixes on both elements and the second element needs to end in -ide

What are the two rules for naming covalent compounds?

never use mono- prefix for the first element and drop the vowel of the prefix if there is a vowel for the element except for i's

How do you write covalent compound formulas?

use the prefixes to determine how many of each element there are

What does mono- mean?


What does di- mean?


What does tri- mean?


What does tetra- mean?


What does penta- mean?


What does hexa- mean?


What does hepta- mean?


What does octa- mean?


What does nona- mean?


What does deca- mean?


What are acids?

hydrogen donors

What are binary acids?

acids containing hydrogen and one other element

How do you name binary acids?

name begins with hydro-, name of second element with -ic ending, and acid

How do you write binary acid formulas?

write the charge of the two elements and then switch the number to make the charge equal zero

What are oxyacids?

acids containing hydrogen and a polyatomic ion

How do you name oxyacids when the polyatomic ends in -ate?

name the element with the -ic ending and acid

How do you name oxyacids when the polyatomic ends in -ite?

name the element with the -ous ending and acid

How do you write oxyacid formulas?

use either the -ic or -ous ending to determine the polyatomic and determine the charge of hydrogen