exam 3 part 2


Cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms

· Be familiar with the duct system of the male reproductive system.

Testes, epididymis, ductus deferens, ejaculatory duct, then the urethra

· FSH and LH DO NOT directly influence the development of the uterine endometrium.

No, because they stimulate the ovaries

· Regression of the corpus luteum and a decrease of ovarian progesterone secretion occur simultaneously

It is going to be secreting a specific type of hormone that is going to be preventing the shedding of your endometrium lining. If the egg is fertilized and implants it is going to send signals to the corpus luteum to maintain its structures and maybe produced its own hormone ACG.Phase or processes in the monthly reproductive cycle of the female occur simultaneously

· Prolactin is not responsible for any uterine activities

Prolactin is milk production and the development of mammary glands withing breast tissues.

· Know what pathogen causes sexually transmitted diseases.

Gonorrhea = is caused by a bacteriaAids = is caused by human immunodeficiencySyphilis = is caused by a bacteriaHIV = is caused by a virusHerpes simplex = is caused by virusChlamydia = is caused by a bacteria

caused by bacteria

gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia


acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

caused by a virus

hiv, herpes simplex

· What hormone triggers ovulation?

Lh )Luteinizing hormone, then the egg is going to be released

· What is spermatogenesis?

Production of mature sperm cells (spermatozoa) in the testis.The sequence of events in the seminiferous tubules of the tests that produces sperm

· What is the difference between spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

Spermatogenesis - four mature sperm are producedOogenesis - One mature ovum is produced (one haploid daughter cells)

· Menstruation occurs as blood levels of estrogen and progesterone decrease

Estrogen and progesterone decrease

· During the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle progesterone reaches its highest levels

Progesterone at its highest

· What are the functions of testosterone?


· What are the functions of the vagina?


· The erection of the penis results from a

A parasympathetic reflex

· What occurs as a result of undescended testes

Low sperm counts, low sperm quality, fertility problems

· What are the effects of estrogen?

Growth of the breasts at puberty, hips,

· How do the testes respond to warm conditions

The move away from the pelvic cavity

· Separation of the cells at the two-cell state following fertilization will lead to what kind of twins


· Where does fertilization occur?

Fallopian tube

· What process ensures the consistency of chromosomal numbers from one generation to the next?

Meiosis, we can maintain the chromosomes

· How are the human egg and sperm similar?

They both contain 23 chromosomes (same number of chromosomes)

· What would happen if the gametes were diploid?

92 = 46 in sperm 46 in the egg making it to 92Twice the diploid number and with every succedding generation the chromosome number would continue to develop

· What is the genetic determinant for the male reproductive development?

SRY gene is going to be the one that tells the baby its going to be a male

· What gland makes up the majority of the composition in semen?

Seminal vesicles

· Why are sperm cells able to move along the ductus deferens?

Because of peristaltic contractions, going to cause the sperm to move to the next area

· What are the dartos and cremaster muscles responsible for?

maintain the temperature of the testicles which is responsible for spermatogenesis- if its too hot the scrotum can move away from the body- if its too cold can contract and move closer to the bodywhen the testicals can drop or rise according to temperaturedartos - is going to move the testicles themselves.cremaster - is going to cause the scrotum to wrinkle or smooth them out

dartos muscle

smooth muscle; wrinkles scrotal skin;

cremaster muscle

Muscle that pulls the scrotum closer to the body in cold temperatures and relaxes to let the testicles be farther away from the body in warmer weather

· How does "the pill" work?

Stop ovulationMimic pregnancy, you are trying to tell your body that it is a fake pregnancy, to disrupt your ovarian cycle. If you disrupt your ovarian cycle you are known not going to be able to ovulate.

· What happens during spermatogenesis as with respect to the development and positioning of the acrosome?

Acrosome is the thing on top of the sperm and its going to have enzymes to penetrate the zona pellucida of the egg cell its going to be a cloud that surrounds the egg the sperm that belongs to egg, so it can finally end up in the eggDevelopment of acrosome would be posterior to anterior.