care of the patient with a urinary disorder - exam 2

infections of the bladder and urethra are considered?

lower urinary tract infection

infections of the kidneys and ureters are considered?

upper urinary tract infections

why are UTIs more common in women?

women have a much shorter urethra3 MULTIPLE CHOICE OPTIONS

what is the most common nosocomial infection?


you patient is a 73yo F who has been experiencing insufficient bladder emptying due to a partial obstruction. she is at risk for?


you patient is a 57yo M who has decreased bactericidal secretions of the prostate. what is he at risk for?

urinary tract infection

a nurse is caring for a patient who complains of nocturia, dysuria, voiding frequency, urgency, and lower abd pain. the nurse can assume this patient is most likely to have?

urinary tract infection

a nursing is educating about a patient the antibiotics used to treat a UTI. why should the nurse tell the patient to finish the entire course of antibiotics?

if the entire course of antibiotics is not finished, the UTI is not completely resolved. It could lie dormant and become resistant to antibiotics.

true or false?incontinence, fever, chills, malaise, AMS, nausea, flank pain, asthenia, hematuria, and discomfort upon lower abd palpation are all signs of a UTI


what diagnostic procedure are used to diagnose a UTI?

urinalysis and C&S

what would you instruct your patient to do to prevent a UTI?

drink water and cranberry juice. wipe front to back. do not use harsh soaps and bubble baths. wash the area thoroughly. wear cotton underwear. avoid wearing thong panties. urinate after intercourse

your patient with a UTI has been prescribed pyridium to sooth the bladder. what affect should you warn the patient about?

this medication will turn your urine a reddish-orange color

you are caring for patient who complains of bleeding during urination. this patient denies any pain or discomfort. you suspect this patient has the first sign of?

a malignant bladder3 MULTIPLE CHOICE OPTIONS

these organs are located in the costovertebral area?


inflammation of the urethra, which is more common in men..?


35yo M is diagnosed with urethritis. this patient has a fever, which is not common with urethritis. why does this patient have a fever?

fever in male patients may be due to further extension of the infection (because they have a longer urethra)

inflammation of the urinary bladder..?


acute or chronic, bacterial infection of the kidneys and lining of the collecting system (kidney pelvis)..?


what is the goal of the treatment of pyelonephritis?

to prevent progressive kidney damage

pain caused by the passage kidney stones?

renal colic

a condition of stones (calculus) in the urinary tract..?


a condition of stones (calculus) in the kidneys..?


symptoms of this condition vary with size, location, and cause..?


true or false?sharp, sudden, severe flank pain are all symptoms of a UTI

false. these are symptoms of urolithiasis1 MULTIPLE CHOICE OPTION

for large stones, this procedure is uses shock waves that are directed from the outside of the body toward soft tissue, to dense stones..?

extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL)

true or false?urinalysis to show evidence of hematuria, leukocytes in urine, C&S, x-ray with IVP dye are all diagnostic findings for urolithiasis


why is it important for your patient to catch any expelled stones?

so that they can be analyzed, to find useful ways to prevent reoccurrence

what discharge instructions are important for a patient with kidney stones?

drink plenty of water and do not hold your urine (if you have to pee, go pee!)

what is an ileal conduit?

a transparent ostomy bag applied over a stoma used to divert urine from the kidneys to outside the body

what disease could cause a patient to need an ileal conduit?

bladder cancer

what is a ureterosigmoidostomy?

urinary diversion from the kidneys to the rectum. a catheter is inserted into the rectum to drain urine

what is peritonitis?

acute inflammation of the peritoneum

what causes peritonitis?

infection - bacteria entering your abdomen from a hole in your GI tract

why should PSA be drawn before performing a DRE?

a DRE will cause the PSA to be inaccurate

how can you prevent a CAUTI?

clean the perineal area thoroughly and wash the foley catheter up to at least 4 inches away from the urethral meatus

a nurse is reinforcing teaching a patient who will have an xray of KUB. which of the following statements should the nurse include?

the procedure will determine whether you have a kidney stone3 MULTIPLE CHOICE OPTIONS

a nurse is monitoring a patient who had a kidney biopsy for post-op complications. which of the following complications should the nurse identify as causing the greatest risk to the patient?


a nursing is preparing a 24hr urine collection for a patient. which of the following actions should the nurse take?

discard the first voiding when beginning the test3 MULTIPLE CHOICE OPTIONS

a nurse collecting data from a client who has returned to the Med surg unit following a CT scan of the kidneys with IV contrast. which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an indication of the patient experiencing an allergic reaction to the contrast material?


a nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a patient who has chronic kidney disease. which of the following should the nurse recommend to include in the plan of care?

monitor for pulmonary edema, provide frequent mouth rinses, restrict fluids based on urinary output, and monitor for weight gain trends

a nurse is contributing to the plan of care for a patient who has chronic Poly nephritis. which of the following action should the nurse plan to include?

recommend a referral for nutrition counseling, palpate the costovertebral angle, monitor urinary output, and administer antibiotics

a nurse is caring for a patient who has a urinary tract infection. which of the following is a priority intervention by the nurse

administer an antibiotic3 MULTIPLE CHOICE OPTIONS

a nurse is reviewing urinalysis results for four patients. which of the following urinalysis results indicate a urinary tract infection?

positive for leukocyte esterase3 MULTIPLE CHOICE OPTIONS

this is seen and complete urethral obstruction, after general anesthesia, or with the administration of certain drugs such as atropine or phenythiazide?

acute urinary retention

this is often seen in patients with disorders such as prosthetic enlargement or neurologic disorders that result in neurogenic bladder?

chronic urinary retention

patience with urinary retention will present with?

inability to void, bladder distension, and severe lower abdominal pain

this urinary retention assessment finding may show increase numbers of white blood cells indicating an infection?

a urinalysis

and urinary retention this determines the activity of the external sphincter during voiding?


what type of urinary retention requires immediate catheterization?

acute urinary retention

this is a dysfunction that results from lesions of the nervous system and maybe caused by spinal cord injury, herniated vertebral discs, ms, congenital anomalies, infection, or diabetes?

a neurogenic bladder

what are the two types of neurogenic bladder?

a spastic or flaccid

this is more common and caused by any spinal cord lesion above the voiding reflex arc and results in a loss of conscious sensation or cerebral motor control?

spastic bladder

this is caused by a lower motor neuron lesion commonly resulting from trauma. this form of neurogenic bladder has increasingly been recognized as a problem in patients with diabetes mellitus?

flaccid bladder

with this type of neurogenic bladder the bladder empties on reflex with minimal or no controlling influence to regulate its activity?

spastic bladder

this type of neurogenic bladder is when the bladder continues to fill and becomes greatly distended, and overflow incontinence occurs. the bladder muscle does not contract forcefully at any time.

flaccid bladder

what are the long-term objectives for a neurogenic bladder?

prevent over distention, empty the bladder regularly and completely, maintain urine sterility, and maintain adequate bladder capacity

this is chronic inflammation of the bladder mucosa and is more common in women?

Interstitial cystitis

symptoms of Interstitial cystitis mimic?

other disorders such as cystitis, bladder cancer, or sexually transmitted diseases

this is inflammation or infection of the prostate gland and is most often caused by microorganisms that reach the prostate by way of the urethra?


these are often responsible for prostateitis but in some instances no evidence of bacterial infection is found?

E coli, pseudomonas, and S faecalis

pain in the prostate?


common antibiotics used to treat prostatitis?

Cipro and floxin

how long are antibiotics given to a patient with prostatitis?

up to 4 weeks

what are Comfort measures for prostate itis?

analgesics, sitz baths, and stool softeners