Il Tempo: Le previsioni

Il tempo

The weather

Le previsioni

The forecast

Che tempo fa?

What's the weather like? What's the weather doing?

Fa molto bello.

It's very nice. Lit It makes very nice.

Fa molto brutto.

It's very bad. Lit It makes very ugly.

Fa molto freddo.

It's very cold. Lit It makes very cold.

Fa fresco.

It's cool. Lit It makes cool.

Fa caldo.

It's hot. Lit It makes hot.

C'è il sole.

It is sunny.

C'è il vento.

It is windy.

Che temperature fa?

What is the temperature? Lit What does the temperature?

Fa novanta gradi.

It's 90 degrees. Lit It does 90 degrees.

Fa trenta gradi Celsius.

It's 30 degrees celsius. It does 30 degrees Celsius.

È molto sereno.

It is very clear. Lit It is very calm.

È nuvoloso.

It's cloudy.

Il cielo è coperto.

It's cloudy. Lit The sky is covered.


It's drizzling. Lit it's little rain.


It's hailing.


It's raining.


It's snowing.


It's thundering.

C'è la nebbia.

There is fog. Lit It is fog.

La Pioggia

The rain

Un acquazzone

A shower

La neve

The snow

Una tempesta di neve

A snow storm

Un temporale

A storm

Ci sono fulmini.

There is lightening.