Ancient Worlds Study Guide

Characteristics of a complex civilization

Advanced cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, advanced technology, and record keeping

Rivers of Mesopotamia

Tigris and Euphrates

Who established one of the earliest written codes of law? (Eye for an Eye)


Writing in Mesopotamia

Cuneiform, symbols on clay or dried mud

Mesopotamian view of gods

The view of their gods were bad because of the violent floods


Ruled by religion

Egyptian river

Nile River

Egyptian writing


Egyptian Pharaohs vs Mesopotamian Kings

The Egyptian Pharaohs believed they were gods and Mesopotamian Kings were messengers to the gods

Egyptian Religion

polytheistic (belief in many Gods)

Flooding and religion

The gods were considered good because floods weren't violent

Mandate of Heaven

a political theory of ancient China in which those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source

What are the basic ideas of Confucius

Having a good moral character

What are the basic ideas of legalism

A system of laws that prescribe punishment and rewards for specific behavior

Which dynasty did China begin under

Shang dynasty


Native people

Ashoka and changes

Golden age of mauryan empire

Caste system?

Aryans wrote the original caste system

Hinduism beliefs

Brahman, karma, reincarnation

Buddhism beliefs

No caste system. Goal is to meet nirvana and end human suffering

Hinduism and Buddhism differences

Hinduism accepts the caste system and believes in many gods while Buddhism reflects the caste system and believes in no gods