Econ Test 1

What is the basic concern of economics?


What is the basic problem of economics?

Scarcity 2

What is an entrepreneur?

A person who starts their own business and assumes all risks

What are the factors of production?

land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship

What are the basic economic questions?

What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce?

What do economic systems do?

Answer the 3 basic economic questions

What is the motivation for starting a business in capitalism?


Market economy

Consumers control the resources, no government involvement

Command economy

Government controls resources

Traditional economy

Tradition and customs decide how to use resources

Mixed economy

Mix of command and market economies

A market economy

Is the same as free enterprise and capitalism

What is profit?

Money you keep after deducting costs

Who determines what is made in a free enterprise system?


7 Social Goals

Efficiency, freedom, equity, full employment, price stability, security, growth