EMT Chapters 31-35

31. Evisceration

An intestine or other internal organ protruding through a wound in the abdomen

31. Flail chest

fracture of two or more adjacent ribs in two or more places that allows for free movement of the fractured segment

31. paradoxical motion

movement of the ribs in a flail segment that is opposite to the direction of movement of the rest of the chest cavity

31. pneumothorax

air in the chest cavity

31. sucking chest wound

an open chest wound in which air is "sucked" into the chest cavity

31. tension pneumothorax

a type of pneumothorax in which air that enters the chest cavity is prevented from escaping, pressure is put on the heart and vena cava

31. top of chest cavity-bottom of cavity

collar bones-diaphragm

31. top of abdominal cavity-bottom of cavity

diaphragm-lower region of pelvis

31. hemothorax

chest cavity fills with blood

31. hemopneumothorax

chest cavity fills with blood and air

31. traumatic asphyxia

sudden compression of chest, blood forced into head

31. cardiac tamponade

blood leaks into pericardial sac, compressing the heart to the point that it doesn't fill

31. commotio cordis

heart trauma when it is electrically vulnerable

32. Angulated Fracture

a fracture in which the broken bone segments are at an angle to each other

32. bones

hard but flexible living structures that provide support for the body and protection of the vital organs

32. cartilage

tough tissue that covers the joint ends of bones and helps to form certain body parts, such as the ear

32. closed extremity injury

an injury to an extremity with no associated opening in the skin

32. comminuted fracture

a fracture in which the bone is broken in several places

32. compartment syndrome

injury caused when tissues such as blood vessels and nerves are constricted within a space, as from swelling or from a tight dressing or cast

32. crepitus

a grating sensation or sound made when fractured bone ends rub together

32. dislocation

the disruption or "coming apart" of a joint

32. extremities

the portions of the skeleton that include the clavicles, scapulae, arms, wrists, and hands (upper extremities) and the pelvis, thighs, legs, ankles, and feet (lower extremities)

32. fracture

any break in a bone

32. greenstick fracture

an incomplete fracture

32. joints

places where bones articulate, or meet

32. ligaments

tissues that connect bone to bone

32. manual traction

the process of applying tension to straighten and realign a fractured limb before splinting (tension)

32. muscles

tissues or fibers that cause movement of body parts and organs

32. open extremity injury

an extremity injury in which the skin has been broken or torn through from the inside by an injured bone, or from the outside by something that has caused a penetrating wound with associated injury to the bone

32. sprain

the stretching and tearing or ligaments

32. strain

muscle injury resulting from overstretching or over-exertion of the muscle

32. tendons

tissues that connect muscle to bone

32. traction splint

a splint that applies constant pull along the length of a lower extremity to help stabilize the factured bone and to reduce muscle spasm in the limb. traction splints are used primarily on closed femoral shaft fractures

32. Can bone's bleed?

yes, they are highly vascularized so when broken they can bleed

32. periostium

the material that covers bones

32. MTB vs BLB

Muscle-tendon-bone, vs bone-ligament-bone

32. if your patient has life threatening issues and broken bones, what should you do?

immediately package patient for transport and splint en route if possible

32. should you push open fractured bones back into the body?


33. The head should be secured to a backboard


33. air embolism

a bubble of air in the bloodstream

33. ataxic respirations

a pattern of irregular and unpredictable breathing commonly caused by brain injury

33. autonomic nervous system

controls involuntary functions

33. central nervous system

the brain and the spinal cord

33. central neurogenic hyperventilation

a pattern of rapid and deep breathing caused by injury to the brain

33. cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord

33. cheyne-stokes breathing

a distinct pattern of breathing characterized by quickening and deepening respirations followed by a period of apnea

33. concussion

mild closed head injury without detectable damage to the brain, complete recovery is usually expected but effects may linger for a while

33. contusion

in brain injuries, a bruised brain caused when the force of a blow to the head is great enough to rupture blood vessels

33. cranium

the bony structure making up the forehead, top, back, and upper sides of the skull

33. dermatome

an area of the skin that is innervated by a single spinal nerve

33. foramen magnum

the opening at the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes from the brain

33. hematoma

in a head injury, a collection of blood within the skull or brain

33. herniation

pushing of a portion of the brain downward toward the foramen magnum as a result of increased intracranial pressure

33. intracranial pressure (ICP)

pressure inside the skull

33. laceration

in brain injuries, a cut to the brain

33. malar

the cheekbone (aka zygomatic bone)

33. mandible

the lower jawbone

33. maxillae

the two fused bones forming the upper jaw

33. nasal bones

the bones that form the upper third, or bridge, of the nose

33. nervous system

provides overall control of thought, sensation, and the body's voluntary and involuntary motor functions, the components of the nervous system are the brain and the spinal cord, as well as the nerves that enter and exit the brain and spinal cord and extend to the various parts of the body

33. neurogenic shock

a state of shock (hypoperfusion) caused by nerve paralysis that sometimes develops from spinal cord injuries

33. orbits

the bony structures around the eyes; the eye sockets

33. peripheral nervous system

the nerves that enter and exit the spinal cord between the vertebrae, the 12 pairs of cranial nerves that travel between the brain and organs without passing through the spinal cord, and all of the body's other motor and sensory nerves

33. pulmonary air embolism

a blockage in the blood circulation of the lung caused by a blood clot or air bubble

33. spinal motion restriction

limiting the movement of the spine to prevent additional injury

33. spinous process

the bony bump on a vertebra

33. temporal bones

bones that form part of the side of the skull and floor of the cranial cavity, there are right and left temporal bones

33. temporomandibular joint (TMJ)

the movable joint formed between the mandible and the temporal bone

33. vertebrae

the bones of the spinal column (singular vertebra)

33. you should put direct pressure on cut to scalp if there is

no trauma to the skull

33. dura

lines the brain

33. cushing reflex

hematoma leads to increase in blood pressure because it is harder to get blood into the brain, resulting in decreased heart rate

33. GCS score below -- means direct transport to trauma center


33. if you suspect a spinal injury, which airway opening technique should you use?


33. which areas of the spine are most susceptible to damage

cervical and lumbar because they are not supported by other bones

33. if the spinal patient is a pregnant woman on a backboard

you should tilt the backboard so that the uterus does not put pressure on the veins of the mother

34. Multiple trauma

more than one serious injury

34. multisystem trauma

one or more injuries that affect more than one body system

34. trauma score

a system of evaluation trauma patients according to numerical rating system to determine the severity of the patients' trauma

34. Revised trauma score (RTS)

one method of classifying trauma patients by severity, includes the Glasgow Coma scale (GCS, systolic blood pressure, and respiratory rate), very commonly used

35. active rewarming

application of an external heat source to rewarm the body of a hypothermic patient

35. air embolism

gas bubble in the bloodstream (the more accurate term is arterial gas embolism (AGE))

35. central rewarming

application of heat to the lateral chest, neck, armpits and groin of a hypothermic patient

35. conduction

the transfer of heat from one material to another through direct contact

35. convection

carrying away of heat by currents of air, water, or other gases or liquids

35. decompression sickness

a condition resulting from nitrogen trapped in the body's tissues, caused by coming up too quickly from a deep, prolonged dive, a symptom of decompression sickness is "the bends" (deep pain in the muscles and joints

35. drowning

the process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in liquid, which may result in death, morbidity (illness or other adverse effects), or no morbidity

35. evaporation

the changing of liquid to gas, when the body perspires or gets wet, evaporation of the perspiration or other liquid into the air has a cooling effect on the body

35. hyperthermia

an increase in body temperature above normal, which is a life-threatening condition in its extreme

35. hypothermia

generalized cooling that reduces body temperature below normal, which is a life-threatening condition in its extreme

35. local cooling

cooling or freezing of particular (local) parts of the body

35. passive rewarming

covering a hypothermic patient and taking other steps to prevent further heat loss and help the body rewarm itself

35. radiation

sending out energy, such as heat, in waves into space

35. respiration

breathing, during respiration body heat is lost as warm air is exhaled from the body

35. toxins

substances produced by animals or plants that are poisonous to humans

35. venom

a toxin (poison) produced by certain animals such as snakes, spiders, and some other marine life forms (animals)

35. water chill

chilling caused by conduction of heat from the body when the body or clothing is wet

35. wind chill

chilling caused by convection of heat from the body in the presence of air currents

35. first priority for patient that is too hot or cold

remove them from the environment

35. frostbite

the freezing of tissue

35. best sign of heat stroke

warm skin

35. the group most susceptible to hypothermia

infants and the elderly

35. humidity restricts

heat loss from sweating

35. when ventilating a drowning victim you may have to ventilate


35. altitude at which mountain sickness can take effect

5,000 feet