Chapter 6 Safety and Sanitation

foodborne illness

a disease transmitted to people by food

foodborne illness outbreak

when two or more people have the same symptoms after eating the same food

High-risk populations

Certain groups of people who have a higher risk of getting a foodborne illness than others.

immune system

The body's defense against illness.


Something with the potential to cause harm


harmful things are present in food, making it unsafe to eat


microorganisms that cause illness


small, living organisms that can be seen only through a microscope


leading cause of foodborne illness


something that grows on food quickly in the right conditions, as they grow they create toxins that are harmful to us


Food, Acidity, Temperature, Time, Oxygen, Moisture

TCS food

Food that requires time and temperature control for safety.

Temperature Danger Zone (TDZ)

temperature between 41 degrees and 135 degrees where pathogens grow most rapidly

Ready-to-eat food

Food that can be eaten without further preparation, washing, or cooking.


An organism that lives in or on another organism, deriving nourishment at the expense of its host, usually without killing it


can sometimes cause illness but is mostly responsible for spoiling food


spoils food and sometimes produce toxins, they are visible to the human eye


spoils food quickly, kind of like mold and like to grow in acidic and moist areas

food allergy

The body's negative reaction to a food protein.

food allergens

proteins that cause allergic reactions


when a food item that contains a allergens comes in contact with another food item and their proteins mix


a examination that is conducted to see if a operation is following food safety laws