Glossary Agnostic-Relativism


One who believes that the evidence for and against the existence of God is inconclusive


The complete absence of government and law; the individual as a law unto himself


Racial and tribal segregation


The branch of theology concerned with defending Christianity as a reasonable faith


One who believes that there is no God


Those who own property and the means of production; in Marxism, capitalists as a class (the source of society's problems)


The economic system in which all or most o the means of production and distribution (land, factories, railroads, etc.) are privately owned and operated for profit

Coalition government

A government consisting of an alliance of opposing interest groups


A religious worldview as outlined in ten categories (including theology, philosophy, biology, economics) in Understanding the Times. Its major tenet includes atheism, dialectical materialism, and socialism


The Ten Commandments as given to Moses (cf. Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5)


One who believes that God exists and that He created the world, but now stands completely aloof from it


Government by an absolute ruler, dictator, king,or tyrant (cruel and oppressive)

Dialectical materialism

Thesis and antithesis in conflict bring about synthesis

Divine revelation

God's revealing of Himself and His will through both general revelation and special revelation

Economic determinism

Economics determines the entire course of history; the social, political, and moral processes of life




the study or theory of the origin, nature, methods, and limits of knowledge (study of knowledge)

Economic determinism

economics (the modes of production and exchange) determines the entire course of history; the social, political, and moral processes of life.

Ethical relativism

the belief that no absolute moral code exists, and therefore man must adjust his ethical standards in each situation according to his own judgement (see also moral relativism)

Divine Revelation

God's revealing of Himself and His will through both general revelation and special revelation


the belief that all claims of truth should be judged solely by human reason, without any special appeal to the divine revelation.

Dialectical materialism

thesis and antithesis in conflict bring about synthesis


system or code of morals of a particular religion, group, or profession


a philosophic cult of nihilism and pessimism: it holds that each man exists as an individual in a purposeless universe, and that he must oppose his hostile environment through the exercise of his free will. Feelings becomes the standard of human truth


a totalitarian political system led by a single dictator who allows no opposition, promoting an aggressive nationalism and often racism

General Revelation

God's revelation of Himself and His will to all persons at all times and in all places. This revelation takes place through nature and the human heart and conscience


Russian word for "openness"; in politics refers to the idea of being open to nonsocialist economic systems; a dialectic withdraw or reform


an outlook or policy which is worldwide in scope. Sometimes a euphemism for world government


the belief that pleasure is the principle good, and should be the highest aim of the individual and society


the doctrines, opinions, or way of thinking of an individual or group


a national policy forming and maintaining an empire; it involves the struggle for the control of raw materials and world markets, the subjection and control of territories, and the establishment of colonies.


the quality or state of being of sound moral principle; uprightness, honesty, sincerity


a non-forming suffix: changes the root word into a system of thought, a way of looking at things, or a worldview


the doctrine that matter is the only reality, and that everything in the universe, including thought, will, and feeling, can be explained only in terms of the physical. Basically synonymous with naturalism

Moral absolutism

the belief that right and wrong are unchanging, not determined by the individual or the culture; revealed by God through both General Revelation and Special Revelation

Moral Absolutes

those unchanging ethical truths revealed by God

Moral Law

the part of natural law that defines the consequences for the moral choices made by men and women. Original sin accounts for man's inability to abide strictly by moral law

Moral relativism

The belief that right and wrong are arbitrary and transitory, determined by the individual or culture

Natural law

Laws both physical and moral found in general revelation


A philosophy that denies the existence of any basis for knowledge or truth, and results in an inability to ascribe meaning to any aspect of reality


A suffix; a branch of learning; science, study of...; from Greek word logos


Cosmic Humanist theology; meaning God is everything and everything is God; hence,the universe is self-existing


A 1930's restructuring of the Russian economy along capitalist lines by Stalin; title of a book written by Gorbachev; used today, refers to the restructuring of the economy


Literally the love of wisdom or knowledge ; a study of the processes governing thought and conduct and ultimate reality


The industrial "property less" working class; in Marxism, the exploited class that is destined to subjugate and destroy the bourgeoisie

Primitivism worldview

Extols the virtues of man without the corrupting influence of civilization and promoted "the noble savage

Rationalism (scientist)

The belief that knowledge is gained primarily through human experience— through the five senses: touching, tasting, hearing, smelling, and seeing


See ethical relativism


government by an absolute ruler, dictator, king, or tyrant (usually cruel and oppressive)