Intro to iPad

control center

Hidden area in the top right corner of the Home Screen.

Notification Center

Hidden area in the top of the Home Screen.

Printing In black & white

10 cents

Printing in color

25 cents

Spotlight search

Hidden tool in the top of your Home Screen.

At the top of your iPad face, you can locate the . . .

Front camera.

On the back face of your iPad you can locate the . . .

Apple keyboard smart connector, flash, and rear camera.

On the side, bottom, and top of your iPad you can locate the . . .

Sleep/wake button, the apple pen magnetic connector, USB-C connector, and the volume buttons.

True or false? You should never please and thank you in an email.

False, always be polite and kind in emails.

True or false? Email your teacher's the night before a test so they have only a few hours to respond.

False, email in advance always.

True or false? I should never check my school email at home.

False, you should always be checking it no matter where you are.

True or false? The subject field isn't important so it doesn't matter if I leave it blank or not.

False, the subject field is very important and always should be full.

True or false? I should always send emails with a lot of pictures and videos to clog recovers email inbox.-

False, try to keep emails short with all the info you need

True or false? I should always read over my email before I send it.

True, you should always check to make sure it makes since and there's no grammatical issues.

True or false? I should treat my teachers like I treat my friends while texting.

False, your teacher are not your friends and should properly be addressed in emails.

True or false?My Home Screen holds all my apps.

False, the Home Screen holds app icons that once clicked on, bring you to the app.

True or false? It's not important to charge my iPad every night as long as it's not dead.

False, you should charge your iPad every night so that you are fully prepared for your classes the next day.

True or false? I should treat my iPad as my personal iPad and download games and fun apps instead of academic apps.

False, your iPad is for school purposes and should be treated so.

True or false? My case broke last week but I don't need a new one I can just carry it with no case.

False, your ipad needs a safe case on at all times, if anything happens to It you will be personally charged.

True or false? I can always let my baby brother play with my iPad I know he's responsible he doesn't need supervision.

False, no matter who it is, you should watch over to make sure your ipad isn't in danger.