infection control practice quiz

What is a microbe?

small living organism not visible tothe naked eye. Must use a microscope.

What are pathogens?

microorganisms causing infection and disease.

What is bacteria?

simple, one celled organisms that rapidly multiply.

What does streptococcus cause?

It causes severe sore throat and rheumatic fever.

What does staphylococci cause?

It causes infections such as boils, wound infections, and toxic shock.

What are antibiotics used for

To kill bacteria.

What is Protozoa and what does it cause?

one-celled animal likeorganisms found in decayed materials andcontaminated water. Cause malaria, amebic dysentery,trichomonas, African sleeping sickness.

What is Fungi and what does it cause?

simple, plant like organisms thatlive on dead matter. Cause ringworm, athlete's foot, yeast vaginitis and thrush.

Antibiotics kill fungi. True or false?


What is Rickettsiae and what does it cause?

parasitic microorganisms-can not live outside thecells of another living organism. Found in fleas, lice, ticks, and mites. Transmitted to humans by the bites of these insects. Cause typhus fever, Rocky Mountainspotted fever.

What is a virus?

smallest microorganism, visibleonly using an electron microscope.

What CANT a virus do?

Can't reproduce unless they are insideanother living cell.

What are the causes of a virus?

common cold, measles, mumps,chicken pox, influenza.

What is Hepatitis?

caused by the hepatitis B virus(HBV) and is transmitted (spread) fromblood and body fluids.

What does hepatitis affect?

Affects the liver and can lead to destructionand scarring of the liver cells.

what does Acquired Immune Deficieny Syndrome stand for?


What group people are more affected by AIDS?

Infants, the elderly, people with terminal illnesses ( like cancer ).

What are toxins?

Some pathogens produce poisons calledtoxins, which harm the body.

What are hospital acquired infections called?

called nosocomial infections

Causative Agent-

a pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus that can cause a disease


place to live

Portal of exit-

way for pathogen to escapefrom reservoir where it was living.

mode of transmission-

way spread from onereservoir or host where it can live

Portal of Entry-

a way for the causative agent to enter a new reservoir or host

What is the first type of contact?

Direct person to person (physical orsexual) or direct contact with a bodysecretion containing the pathogen. ex) contaminated hands

What is the definition of Apsepsis?

Absence of disease producingmicroorganisms or pathogens.

What is the second type of contact?

Indirect contact-pathogen transmittedfrom contaminated substances such as food,air, soil, insects, feces, clothing,instruments, and equipment.