Hellenisim and Alexander the Great

At the age of 20 where did alexander begin his conquest to expand his empire?

He crushed a greek revolt in thebes and killed 6,000 people and sold the rest into slavery.

What was the first country Alexander conquered as he moved towards the Persian Empire?

He conquered Egypt, but they viewed him as their liberater being they did not like the control of the Persian Empire in the first place.

What city capital did Alexander destroy that landed him the Persian Empire?

He destroyed the capitol of Perpolis after defeating the army led by King Darius ll .

After fighting at what river valley did his troops beg to return home?

After fighting at The Indus River Valley the troops begged to go home after being away for 11 years straight.

After agreeing to go back home Alexander led his troops on what type of route?

Alexander wanted his troops to suffer for pressuring him into going back to Masadonia so he made them walk through the scorching desert to go home.

How many of Alexander's troops died by the time they made it back home?

3/4 of Alexander's troops had died on the journey back to Masadonia because of harsh conditions.

How many wives did Alexander the Great have?

Alexander the Great had 3 wives and supposedly a male lover (Hepahstasion).

Did Alexander the Great have any children?


What events followed Hephastasion's death?

Alexander had executed the doctor who treated him and refused to eat or sleep for the days following his death.

What disease paralyzed Alexander the Great?

It is said that either Malaryia or Tikewood fever had paralyzed, and soon killed, Alexander the Great.

At what age did Alexander the great die?

Alexander the Great died at age 32 in 323 B.C, after being king for 12 years, though it was mostly spent at war.

What is Hellenism?

It is a mix of greek, egyptian, persian, and indian cultures.

What was the name of the city Alexander named after himself?


Where was Alexandria located?

Alexandria was located in Egypt and was the center of culture and trade of the Persian Empire.

What happened to the Persian empire after Alexander died?

The persian empire was split into three among his top generals, but they were unable to get along and it soon fell.