Vocabulary Activity : Foundations of Government


Describes a State without government and laws


Government in which the people rule

Mixed economy

An economy that combines elements of capitalism and socialism


Authoritarian government that gives power to a few people or a political party


An economic system in which the central government directs all major economic decisions

Which two words refer to a political community that occupies a clearly defined territory and has an organized government?


Which word describes a government in which voters hold sovereign power, but that power is exercised by elected representatives who are responsible to the people?


Which term describes a type of government such as Nazi Germany, in which the government has total control?


Which term describes a system of government that divides the powers of government between the national government and state or provincial governments?


What is the relationship between a nation, a state, and sovereignty? (nation, state, sovereignty)


How does the social contract theory relate to a constitutional government? (constitutional government, social contract theory)


In what key way is a unitary system of government the opposite of a confederacy? (confederacy, unitary government)

In a unitary system, only one government is in control, and that is the central government. On the other hand, a confederate system is where smaller governments in terms of counties, provinces, and states yield more power than the central government.

How are a dictatorship and a monarchy similar, and how are they different? (dictatorship, monarchy)


Explain why a free market and laissez-faire are opposites of socialism. (free market, laissez-faire, socialism)

A free market and laissez- faire advertise an economy where the government does not intervene with the economy and there's private ownership of the means of production. While socialism advertises an economic system in which the government owns the basics means of production, distributes the product and wages, and provides Social security and health care.

Economics is the study of how people and nations use their limited supply of which of the following items to satisfy their wants and needs? (economics)


Which of the following is the best definition of capitalism? (capitalism)

an economic system that emphasizes freedom of choice and individual incentive

Which word would identify a government rule to control the amount of carbon emissions an industry can produce?


Which word would be used to describe a hypothesis based on observation?


Which word describes the people who purchase goods at the local farmers' market?


Which word could be applied to both a tradition and the Boy Scouts organization?


Which word describes a gathering of people?


Which word describes a scholar who engages in the pursuit of wisdom?
