Command and Staff Roles

Command Channels

the communication route for commanders to transmit orders to all subordinate units; all orders are transmitted in the name of the commander.

Personal Staff

A commander's command sergeant major and the color guard.

Coordinating Staff

A commander's executive officer and all the staff positions the executive officer supervises.


A branch of military science dealing with movement of supplies, equipment, and personnel.

Staff Channel

The communication route for staff to transit information to other staff and subordinate commanders.

What does SAI stand for?

Senior Army Instructor

What does XO stand for?

Executive Officer

What does CSM stand for?

Command Sergeant Major

What does JPA stand for?

JROTC Program of Accreditation

What does PAO stand for?

Public Affairs Officer

What does AI stand for?

Army Instructor

What does SOP stand for?

Standard Operating Procedure