American History Chapter 4 Vocabulary

Manifest Destiny

19th century doctrine that westward expansion of the United States was not only inevitable but a God given right


person who favors expanding the territory or influence of a country


to be absorbed into the main culture of a society

Transcontinental Railroad

rail link between the eastern and the western United States

Homestead Act

1862 law that gave 160 acres of land to citizens willing to live on and cultivate it for 5 years


person who invests money in a product or business with the goal of making a profit

Protective Tariff

tax on imported goods making the price high enough to protect domestic goods from foreign competition

Laissez Faire

lenient, as in the absence of government control over private business


official rights given by the government to an inventor for the exclusive right to develop, use, and sell an invention for a set period of time

Mass Production

production of goods in large numbers through the use of machinery and assembly lines


company recognized as a legal unit that has rights and liabilities separate from each of its members


exclusive control by one company over an entire industry


group of separate companies that are placed under the control of a single managing board in order to form a monopoly


small factory where employees have to work long hours under poor conditions for little pay

Collective Bargaining

process in which employers negotiate with labor unions about hours, wages, and other working conditions


system or theory under which the means of production are publicly controlled and regulated rather than owned by individuals