Islam- Sayyid Qutb


Contribution to development and expression of Islam have provided a direction for certain subsects of the Islam community through his key contributions.revolutionary understanding of tawhis and redefinition of jihad and jahilliya

Social justice in Islam

1949 focuses on achieving equality amongst Umma through implementation of an Inslamic state where all adherents worship allah alone


All creation issuing.... from one absolute, universal, active will, forms all embracing unity

Principles of SJII

Hakimiyah (state governing rule of Allah)Allah's Khalifa implements his lawsIndividuals can obtain freedom if librated from un islami worldviews


1964 explores radical concepts, providing theoretical foundations for a radical islamic revival based on divinely ordained millitant aggression.

redefined Jihad

Outer struggles agains external forces which threaten islamic ideals

redefined jahilliya

Ignorant societies that don't submit to Allah, 'false muslims'


Qutb justifies overthrowing the Jahilliya (Gov at time) using a vanguard through lesser Jihad (holy war)

Milestones quote

To turn against false muslims and hypocrites as Muhummad has done

Ideology of Jihadi salfism

didnt gain much traction outside egypt but did influence within, mulsim brotherhood attempted assassination on General Nasser.