Vocabulary for IELTS unit 14: Urbanisation

benefit (/ˈben.ə.fɪt/)= advantage

(n) lợi ích

challenge (/ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/)= obstacle (/'ɔbstəkl/)= setback

(n) thử thách, trở ngạiEx: It's going to be a difficult job but I'm sure she'll rise to the challenge

compromise (/ˈkɑːm.prə.maɪz/)

(n) sự thoả hiệpan agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order to agree:Ex: It is hoped that a ... will be reached in today's talks.

dilemma (/daɪˈlem.ə/ /dɪˈlem.ə/)

(n) tiến thoái lưỡng nan, khó khăna situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things you could do:ex: The president is clearly in a ... about/over how to tackle the crisis.

inhabitant (/ɪnˈhæb.ɪ.tənt/)

(n) dân cưEx: a city of five million ...

infrastructure (/ˈɪn.frəˌstrʌk.tʃɚ/)

(n) cơ sở hạ tầngthe basic systems and services, such as transport and power supplies, that a country or organization uses in order to work effectively:Ex: The war has badly damaged the country's ....

isolation (/ˌaɪ.səlˈeɪ.ʃən/)

(n)1. sự cô lậpthe condition of being alone, especially when this makes you feel unhappy:EX: The prisoner had been kept in ... for three days.2. sự cách lythe fact that something is separate and not connected to other things:Ex: I can't think about it in isolation (= separately) - I need some examples of the problem.

issue (/ˈɪʃ.uː/)= problem

(n) vấn đềEx: Don't worry about who will do it - that's just a side ... (= not the main problem).

megacity (/ˈmeɡ.ə.sɪt̬.i/)

(n) siêu đô thị

migrant (/ˈmaɪ.ɡrənt/)

(n) người di cưEx: The cities are full of ...s looking for work.

overpopulation (/'ouvə,pɔpju'leiʃn/)

(n)sự bùng nổ dân số

population (/,pɔpju'leiʃn/)

(n) dân số

poverty (/ˈpɑː.vɚ.t̬i/)

(n) sự nghèo đóithe condition of being extremely poor:EX: Two million people in the city live in abject (= very great) ...

resolution (/ˌrez.əˈluː.ʃən/)

(n) an official decision that is made after a group or organization has voted:Ex: The United Nations passed (= voted to support) a ... to increase aid to developing nations.2. determination: sự quyết tâmHe showed great ... in facing the robbers.

slum (/slʌm/)

(n) khu nhà ổ chuộtEx: She was brought up in the ...s of Lima.

solution (/səˈluː.ʃən/)

(n) sự giải quyết, giải phápEx: There's no easy ... to this problem.

traffic (/ˈtræf.ɪk/)

(n) 1. the vehicles that are on a road at a particular time: phương tiện giao thôngEX: There's always a lot of ... at this time of day.2. sự đi lại3. sự buôn bán

urbanisation (/ˌɝː.bən.əˈzeɪ.ʃən/)

(n) sự đô thị hóa

adequate (/ˈæd.ə.kwət/)

(adj) đầy, đầy đủEx: Have we got adequate food for 20 guests?

booming (/ˈbuː.mɪŋ/)

(a) bùng nổEX: The van turns up, fully equipped with a ... sound system.

catastrophic (/ˌkæt̬.əˈstrɑː.fɪk/)

(a) causing sudden and very great harm or destruction: thảm khốcEx: An unchecked increase in the use of fossil fuels could have ... results for the planet.

crowded (/ˈkraʊ.dɪd/)

(a) đông đúcEx: By ten o'clock the bar was ....

decent (/ˈdiː.sənt/)

(adj) socially acceptable or good:Ex: Everyone should be entitled to a ... wage/standard of living.

double-edged (/ˌdʌb.əlˈedʒd/)

(adj) Something that is ... acts in two ways, often with one negative and one positive effect: có 2 mặt


một mặt


(a) nhìn xa trông rộng


(a) có tầm nhìn hạn hẹp, thiển cận


(adj) dài hạn, lâu dàieg: The CEO's _____ goal was to increase the return on investment.


(a) ngắn hạn


(a) giá cắt cổ


(a) làm việc quá sức


(adj) thúc bách, cấp thiết


(adj) thuộc nông thôn


(adj) làm lảo đảo, làm loạng choạng; làm choáng người


(v) hướng tới, nhắm đếneg: Marco's business plan _____es the needs of small business owners.


(v) điều chỉnh, dàn xếp, làm cho thích hợpeg: The stockroom clerk _____ed the cooking pots on the shelf so they would be easier to count during inventory.


(v) ,làm trầm trọng thêm, làm nặng thêm, làm nguy ngập thêm, làm xấu thêm


(v) gây ra


(v) đấu tranh, cạnh tranheg: We _____ed against three other agencies to get this contract.


(v) trộn, pha

deal with

(v) chú trọng, chăm lo/ giải quyết, xoay sởeg: Ticket agents must _____ courteously with irate customers.


(v) xấu đi, tồi tệ đi


(v) làm tăng, làm nổi bậteg: A stylist color _____s appeal of a car.


làm trầm trọng thêm


(v) ngăn chạn, loại trừ


đối mặt (v)


phát triển


(v) xác định, định danh, nhận dạng, đồng nhất hoá, coi như nhaueg: Your medical records are all marked with your patient number to _____ them in case of a mix-up.


v. /in'klu:d/ bao gồm, tính cả


nấn ná, chần chừ (v)


(v) làm dịu, làm nhẹ, giảm bớt- sửa đổi, thay đổi- bổ nghĩa


vượt qua


(v) giới thiệu, trình bày, thể hiệneg: The candidate _____ed her qualifications so well that the employer offered her a job on the spot.


(n) sự nâng, sự tăng (lương)eg: With his _____, Mr. Nam was able to afford to buy a new car.


v., n. /ri´fɔ:m/ cải cách, cải thiện, cải tạo; sự cải cách, sự cải thiện, cải tạo


(v) quy định, chỉnh lý, chỉnh đốnđiều chỉnh, sửa lại cho đúng




(v) giải quyết (vấn đề)eg: The mediator was able to _____ the problem to everyone's satisfaction.


v. /træns'fɔ:m/ thay đổi, biến đổi


(v) tồi tệ hơn

find a solution

tìm giải pháp

reach/find a compromise

(v) đạt / tìm một thỏa hiệp

remedy a situation

(v) khắc phục tình trạng

resolve an issue

giải quyết vấn đề