Rocks and minerals

what are rocks?

A naturally occurring solid mixture of one or more minerals or organic matter

three types of rocks

igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic

How are rocks classified?

how they form, texture, grain size, mineral composition

intrusive igneous rock

rock formed from the cooling and solidification of magma beneath Earth's surface. cools slowly

extrusive igneous rock

rock that forms from the cooling and solidification of lava at Earth's surface. cools quickly

Examples of intrusive igneous rocks

granite, diorite, gabbro

Examples of extrusive igneous rocks

pumice, obsidian, basalt

IGNEOUS: Intrusive

Takes longer to cool, giving minerals crystals more time to grow

IGNEOUS: Extrusive

Cools quickly with little to no crystals (Fine grained)


a dark-coloured volcanic glass that forms from the very rapid cooling of molten rock material. It cost so rapidly that crystals do not form

Characteristics of Igneous Rocks

hard and strong interlocking crystals

Common mineral that are within Igneous Rocks

oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium

Important Igneous Rocks

Granite, Basalt, Pumice, Scoria, Obsidian


a naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has a crystal structure and a definite chemical composition