Biology HR - Contraceptives

What is a contraceptive

It is a form of barrier or protection that prevents the fertilisation of a sperm and egg cells.


latex sheath that covers the erect penis and prevents sperm reaching the egg. - barrier form of contraception

Barrier methods:

block the passage of sperm to the ovum

what are the different types of barrier contraceptives.

male condom female condom diaphragm cervical cup

diaphragm / cervical cup

A rubber cup that sits below the cervix. Used with spermicide it is very effective

IUD- intrauterine device

t-shaped copper device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy

The advantages of IUDs

- long term 10 years = cheaper - no interruptions to foreplay

disadvantages of IUD

- doesn't protect you against STDs, STIs- can disrupt the menstrual cycle - causes acne

advantages of condoms

- cheap - easily accessible - protect against SDI, STDs- longer ejaculation time = more pleasurable

disadvantages of condoms

- require planning - interrupts foreplay - one use only

The combination contraception pill

Progesterone and oestrogen manage and regulate the menstrual cycle. It prevents ovulation, thins the endometrium lining and thickness the cervical mucous.

contraceptive pill disadvantages

- expensive - bought monthly - if taken irregular - negative effects - inconvenience of remembering to take it- doesn't protect against STDs or STIs.

Injection and its advantages

A progesterone injection that is taken every 3 weeks or 6 months. - no hassle / inconvenience if remembering - lasts long time - no interruptions of foreplay

disadvantages of injections

- after ceasing use it still takes 6 months until ne can fall pregnant - no protections of STDs, or STIs.

