LQB285 - assess 2

What is atrial fibrillation?

Type of arrhythmia causing heart beats to be irregular and fast. Reduces the heart's ability to pump blood properly and increases the chance of a blood clot forming in heart leading to a stroke.

Structural changes after Ostoearthritis

Degeneration of the articular cartlidge that lines the 2 bones, they articulate with each other, and the disordered articulation causes inflammation worsening the damage that has already occurred in the region.

Risk factors for developing Osteoarthritis

· Age· Obesity - increased stress on joints.· Gender - females more prone to develop osteoarthritis- female hips being wider has biomechanical stress on knees which could be a contribution.· Genetics· Repeated stress on joints - labour intense work.· Injuries in early life.· Bone deformities.· Nutrition imbalance - not enough calcium = weakened bones.· Medication· Improper mode of wight bearing - improper weightlifting techniques.· Deficiency in skeletal mass.· Certain metabolic diseases - diabetes = increased weight.· Renal osteodystrophy = lower levels of calcium absorption.

How does Osteoarthritis add to falls risk?

· Balance and mobility affected - due to stiffness and pain.· Pain - also affects gait.· Joint weakens and stiffens over time.· Reduced range of movement - reduces one's ability to avoid hazardous situations.· Bones and muscles are weaker.· Muscle atrophy (reduced muscle tone) - which weaken the muscles = leads to falls and inability to get back up.· Pain medication (opioids) - which could lead to dizziness = reduced mobility.· Psychosocial aspect - previous falls = decreased confidence in their mobilization.

Non-pharmacolgical treatments for Osteoarthritis

· Heat or cold therapy to help with stiffness.· Massage therapy.· Exercises to improve mobility (swimming/walking).· Occupational therapy - activity modification to reduce stress on particular joints.· Occupational therapy.· RICE - rest, ice, compression and elevate.· Walking aides to distribute weight.· Education.· Weight loss if obese and nutrition balance.· Having properly fitting shoes.

Signs of Osteoporosis

· Stooped posture.· Backpain - thoracic/lumbar region.· Unable to lift himself up.· Age - reduced testosterone.· Pain in foot - potential fracture.

Non-modifiable & Modifiable risk factors for Osteoporosis

· Modifiable - alcohol consumption, smoking, reduced physical activity or prolonged immobility, reduced calcium intake.· Non-modifiable - changes in hormonal state (osetrogen and testosterone), age related, genetics, inability to absorb calcium, history of injury/trauma, renal osteodystrophy.


Age at which condition starts - Older age (>50+).Onset - Slower, progressive, gradual.Joint symptoms - Little/no swelling.Pattern of joints that are affected - Asymmetrical - weight bearing joints.Duration of morning stiffness - Less than an hour.Presence of symptoms affecting the whole body (systemic) - Localised - limited to a particular area

Rheumatoid Arthritis

age at which condition starts - younger (30+).onset - more rapid, faster, (over weeks-months).joint symptoms - painful swelling - warm.patterns of joints affects - symmetrical - hands and feet.duration of morning stiffness - more than an hour.presence of symptoms affecting the whole body (systemic) - systemic - whole body, as antibodies attack the entire body.