

it lessen the pain but you do not lose feeling or movement (examples Tylenol, Morphine , Demerol)


you have partial or complete lose of feeling/sensation (Examples Epidural , General anesthesia)

Systemic medications

it affects the body or system within the body

Does systemic medications cross the placenta (Y/N)


In the latent phase, the mom is dilated many cm (early labor)?

0-4 cm

In the active phase, the mom is dilated many cm ?

5-7 cm

In the transition phase, the mom is dilated many cm?

8-10 cm

Sedative are used in which phase of labor?

latent phase

What sedative medications are given in latent stage

Secobarbital sodium (Seconal), Pentobarbital sodium (Nembutal), Zolpidem (Ambien)

Sedative medications adverse effects for mother?

Increase pain, make lethargic, and hypotensive

Sedative medications adverse effects for fetus?

decrease FHR variability, Neonatal respiratory depression, Sleepiness ,Poor suck reflex (up to 4 days)

With Phenergan is you give it IM , what method do you have to use?

Z-track method

Can you give Phenergan IV undiluted (Y/N)?


Should you give Phenergan IV above the hand or below the hand ?

above the hand

Vistaril and Phenergan Adverse effects for mother?

Confusion and dizziness,Disorientation,Excess sedation,Hypotension,Tachycardia,Blurred vision,Urinary retention

Vistaril and Phenergan Adverse effects for fetus?

decrease FHR variability, CNS depression, hypotonia( flaccid), hypothermia, poor feeding

What is the average fetus heart rate?

110-160 bpm

What are the opioid Agonist used in OB?

hydromorphone hydrochloride (Dilaudid), Meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol), Fentanyl (Sublimaze), and Sufentanil( Epidural use)

Fentanyl is 50-100 times more potent than __________________?


IV Fentanyl you should inject over __ to __ minutes (too rapid muscle rigidity)


Fentanyl can cause respiratory depression (T/F)


What disorder is contraindicated with the use of fentanyl ?


What is the antidote for fentanyl ?

Naloxone (Narcan)

You use caution giving morphine to patients with hx of seizures and who are taking _______ ?


What is example of common SSRI (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ) ?


Do not give morphine if the RR is below what?


Observe ________ symptoms in narcotic-dependent clients?


What medications are the opioids with Mixed Narcotic agonist-antagonist ?

butorphanol tartrate (Stadol), nalbuphine (Nubain)

What is the dose ceiling effect?

it decrease the effectiveness of drug and increased side effects

If you reach your dose celing amount and continue to receive medication , you are more at risk for respiratory depression? (T/F)


When given Stadol you want to make sure that mother is greater than _____ weeks gestational


When given Stadol you want to make sure that delivery is not anticipated within __ hours?


Mixed Narcotic Adverse Effects for mother?

N/V ,Sweating- flushed,Sedation,Resp depression,Vertigo,Lethargy,Headache

Mixed Narcotic Adverse Effects for fetus?

↓FHR variability,Moderate CNS depression,Hypotonia

What are Pitocin use for?

Labor induction, Labor augmentation,Postpartum hemostasis

When using Pitocin why should you avoid hyperstimulation ?

↑pain & ↓blood flow to placenta = fetal distress?

What is mother at risk for with hyperstimulation?

Uterine rupturing

_________ ONLY given via volume controlled IV pump as IVPB


S/S of hyperstimulation :

last longer than 90 secs, occur more frequent than every 2 mins, elevated resting tone, peak pressure above 80

You should connect ________ closest proximal port to site


Max dose __-__ milliunits/minute for Pitocin


What is the onset time for Pitocin?

1 minute

Taking vasopressors with Pitocin can result in ?

severe HTN

S/S of Pitocin?

HTN,Dysrhythmias,Tachysytole (6 or more ctx /20min),Uterine hyperstimulation (ctx last >2min

Adverse reaction of Pitocin ?

Seizures, Water intoxication

Water intoxication symptoms

n/v- hypotension-tachycardia- cardiac arrhythmia

fluid overload s/s

i&o , lung sounds

Life-threatening adverse reaction for Pitocin?

Intracranial hemorrhage- cardiac dysrhythmia- asphyxia- uterine rupture. Fetal: Jaundice - hypoxia NR FHR (Baseline <100 or >160)Absent variability, Late decels, Prolonged decels

nurse consideration for pitocin

Tocolytic available (terbutaline sulfate)Monitor I & O Monitor maternal VS and FHRMonitor S/S uterine rupture

S/S Uterine rupture

FHR decelerations - sudden ↑pain; loss of ctx- hemorrhage- hypovolemic shock

Methylergonovine maleate (Methergine) what should you monitor carefully ?

What should you monitor BP carefully

What are the two prostaglandins used in OB?

Misoprostol (tablet) (Cytotec),Dinoprostone vaginal insert (Cervadil)

Cytotec Adverse Reactions

Uterine hyperstimulation ,Tx with terbutaline sulfate, Chills, Fever, Vomiting ,Diarrhea

With Cervadil how long do you have to stay lying down?

30 mins to 2 hours

What is Contraindicated with Cervadil ?

ROM (Rupture of membranes), Vaginal bleeding, Placenta previa, Active genital herpes

When is magnesium sulfate used?

preterm labor / neuroprotection of fetus

Adverse Effects of magnesium sulfate?

Hot flushes/ sweating, Nausea/ vomiting, Drowsiness/ blurred vision, Headache, Ileus, Lethargy, Muscle weakness, Hypocalcemia, Shortness of breath, Transient hypotension

INTOLERABLE REACTIONS of magnesium sulfate?

Pulmonary Edema, RR < 12 per minute, Absent DTR's, Severe Hypotension, Altered LOC, Extreme muscle weakness, Urinary Output < 25-30 mL/hr, Serum Magnesium level 9mg or greater

Neonate Effects while on magnesium sulfate ?

Respiratory, depression, Hypocalcemia, Hypotonia, Lethargy

Magnesium sulfate can only be given ____ ?


You should always should have _________ ___________ available when using magnesium sulfate?

Calcium Gluconate (1Gm of 10% solution)

What does Antenatal Corticosteroids do?

Stimulates fetal lung maturity by producing surfactant

What are the Antenatal Corticosteroids used?

Betamethesone, Dexamethesone

Adverse reactions of Antenatal corticosteroids?

Maternal infection, Pulmonary edema, Worsens maternal HTN and Diabetes

When taking Antenatal corticosteroids what should you monitor?

lung sounds and glucose

Terbutaline sulfate (Brethine) does what?

Relaxes smooth muscle

Adverse Effects of Brethine?

Fluid retention (pulmonary edema),↓urinary output, Tremors, Tachycardia, Muscle weakness, Shortness of breath, Chest pain

Beta Adrenergic Agonists (Brethine) what is contraindicated ?

Severe HTN, Uncontrolled diabetes, Migraines, History of asthma (caution)

Have ________________ available to reverse effects related to cardiovascular effects


First line tocolytic or used after Magnesium Sulfate discontinued is what ?

Nifedipine (Procardia)

Adverse Effects of Nifedipine (Procardia)

Tachycardia, Palpitations, Hypotension, Dizziness, Peripheral Edema

Adverse effects of Indocin?

Nausea/vomiting, Oligohydramnios, ↓platelets

Adverse effects of Narcan?

Maternal hypo or hypertension, Tachycardia, Hyperventilation, Nausea/vomiting, Sweating

What is given in postpartum hemmorage?

Oxytocin (Pitocin),Methylergonovine (Methergine),Methylprostaglandin F2 (Hemabate),Misoprostol (Cytotec) , Dinoprostone (Prostin E2)