Idioms Friends and Family

Losing touch with

No longer being in contact with


a person that you have a special friendship with because you understand each other's feelings and interests

kept in touch with

Continued to be in contact with

A mutual friend

a person who is the friend of two people who may or may not know each other

get on like a house on fire

have a very good, enjoyable strong relationship

drifted apart

slowly becomes less friendly or close to each other

Struck up a friendship

became friend with

hit it off

became friends very quickly

fair-weather friend

a person who is only a friend in good timesإستغلال

got off on the wrong foot

started off badly

A chip off the old block

a son who is like his father

Start a family

to get married and have kids

A family friend

a person who has known and spent time with one's family

Immediate family

your closest relations, such as your parents, children, husband or wife

The black sheep of the family

the worst member of the family who brings shame to the family name.

bringing up

teaching and educating

family heirloom

a valuable object that has belonged to a family for several generations

extended family

a family that extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives, who all live nearby or in one household.

close-knit family

very close family that are in good relationship.

runs in our family

Something relates to genetic and inheritance for example a whole family who have curly hair because it runs in the whole members.